View Full Version : Does he hate his new cage??? Linda Advice please!

07-12-2011, 03:08 AM
I purchased a lovley new big cage for Mojo and introduced him to it last wed. Its been nearly a week that he has been in the new cage and he has done nothing but constantly shout whilst hes in there and also whilst hes out with me??

He is eating and doing all the normal things he does whilst in his cage but just shouting all the time hes doing them?
Ive tried to keep the bottom of the cage the same lay out as his smaller cage until he gets used to it. As it is 5 foot 3 tall it has taken him a bit of time to figure out how to get up to the top, ive put stagered perches and platform perch all the way up the cage and he does manage to get up there after some thinking. He tends to sit on the perch helf way up at the front of the cage and just shout at me?

Could it be that the cage bottom is low to the floor now as his other cage was on a high table? Ive had to cover him a couple of times for his own sanity and mine.

Im soooo close to putting him back in his old cage which in my opinion is too small.

Do i just perservere?

07-12-2011, 03:30 AM
Ohhh ive just looked at the other post and i think i have pushed him to quickly. I didnt give him that much time to get used to the new cage. I thought he was ok with it as he flew straight into it and had a good old mooch around, hes pretty fearless and i just presumed he would be fine. Also it is a dark grey cage and his other ine was silver with a clear plastic bottom seed catcher. maybe its too open for him at the bottom??

Aww i feel so bad now!! Should i put him back in his old cage and let him get used to his new one over time or has it come to far now?

This is his new cage --- http://i1219.photobucket.com/albums/dd421/Bimmy123/270289_10150683944030018_726360017_19159556_107220 4_n.jpg

I will be getting and making new toys and perches for him and i have also added perches and platforms since this pic.

07-12-2011, 04:16 AM
Oh my! That's one HUGE cage!

Unfortunately, everything below the stainless steel dishes is lost space. Lovebirds are not bottom birds so he will most likely only use the top half of the cage. I would move what's on the bottom up. He also needs perches that are smaller in diameter, as the one large one is way too big for his feet. I think he will eventually like it but right now he's not used to it so you may have to go back to using his old cage and letting him just check out the new one. Many birds tend not to take major changes very well and it sounds like he's letting you know it....loud and clear!

07-12-2011, 04:38 AM
Thanks, he has always prefered the bottom of the cage even in his old cage? He climbs around alot but will always retreat to the bottom to eat and have a play with his foot toys?

He also prefers his cozy hut closer to the floor too, if its up to high he wont use it?

Im thinking of sectioning the cage half way up so it dosent seem so high for him?

i have already taken the thick bar out, it just came with the cage. i have got lots of branch cut offs that i have converted with fixtures for him and he is going up the top a bit more to play on his ladder. he will only sleep in his hut or under his bell toy (he likes to wisper to it lol) ive tried to move it up but he just pines for it?

07-12-2011, 05:06 AM
OK. If he normally likes the bottom of the cage, then the bottom is too close to the floor. His old cage was higher up, on a stand and the bottom of this one is way down. Sectioning it off, at least for now, sounds like a good option.

Pips mom
07-12-2011, 10:59 PM
When I first got Pip, he came with a smaller size cage. I knew that I wanted to get him a larger one, but wanted to let him settle in to his new home first. I got another cage that was very similar to his old one, only larger and tried to set it up as close to his old one as possible. Pip hated his new cage! I still remember his reaction to it! He didn't even want to go in it! lil stinker! He's never been one to very fond of cages in general.....he only wants OUT! he doesn't even want to sleep in his cage at night for the most part. He loves Ivy's cage though! He loves to hump her swing!
Like Linda says.....some birds just don't like the change, but he'll get used to it slowly in time.