View Full Version : Peaches changing colors...a little :)

07-12-2011, 11:08 PM
Hi everyone!

I don't know if anyone remembers me! I became Peaches mom 7 years and 5 months ago! Wow! Time sure.....flies...lol ;) This board helped me so much with Peaches! I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful lovie in my life!....Thanks again to those who helped me in the early months! :)

Peaches will be 8 years old in November. I noticed in the past 6 months he is getting more yellow spots! Around his neck, on his tummy. Does this mean that one of his parents primary color was yellow? Peaches is primarily green....
Just curious!

I'm hoping to be part of the community again. I had a major health issue....plus work..I still lurk once in awhile. I love looking at the pics!

I will post new pics of Peaches tonight or tomorrow! HUGS!