View Full Version : Has Ditto run out of ways to be sneaky?

07-14-2011, 04:49 PM
Not a chance. I did my usual routine when I got home today... Say hi to the wound up Dittobird, check poops (plenty of healthy looking ones) and check the food dish. Uh oh, it was full when I left and full (at least it looked full) when I got home. Hmmmm, he must be eating because there's plenty of poops, including 2 big fresh ones.

Ok open up and let him out, looks great and is LOUD! Grab food dish and head to kitchen counter (the only place he allows me to touch the food). start removing whole nutriberries from top of bowl and discover only a few avicake bits (there were 5 of them in there) and then discover his secret... Under the top layer of whole nutriberries where the half eaten ones with lots of empty space between them and on the bottom a few chewed up crumbs. He must have taken quite a bit of time to arrange that bowl to still look full even though he ate about 1/3 of what was in there. It's a large bowl, 3 inches round and almost 3 inches deep. :omg:

Sneaky little devil...:evil:

07-15-2011, 04:29 AM
Sneaky little devil...:evil:
Gotta keep that human slave guessing and on his toes! :rofl:

07-15-2011, 06:15 AM
Ditto! ... My gosh, it never ends!..........:rotfl

07-15-2011, 06:48 AM
It's all part of his plan to drive me completely insane! :rotfl

07-15-2011, 10:19 AM
My Benny Bird does the opposite to me. Though the final result is the inevitable same, my insanity. He will hide and hoard his food in very sneaky ways so I will think it is empty and gone, so that I will refill and then I will find him eating moldy old food that he'd stashed away or find food bulging in a toy, or broken into bits and stuck between the bars in his grating under the dish... he knows I'll refill if I see it empty and cleverly hides in places I don't automatically clean. You'd think this bird had starved at some point in his life and not been spoiled rotten since hatching.

Never let these two get together. Leave it to a fid!

07-15-2011, 10:32 AM
My Benny Bird does the opposite to me. Though the final result is the inevitable same, my insanity. He will hide and hoard his food in very sneaky ways so I will think it is empty and gone, so that I will refill and then I will find him eating moldy old food that he'd stashed away or find food bulging in a toy, or broken into bits and stuck between the bars in his grating under the dish... he knows I'll refill if I see it empty and cleverly hides in places I don't automatically clean. You'd think this bird had starved at some point in his life and not been spoiled rotten since hatching.

Never let these two get together. Leave it to a fid!

In the evening he'll move avi-cakes and nutriberries to his veggie bowl.:rofl:

07-15-2011, 10:49 AM
Ditto is so funny! I wish he lived around here so I could meet him!

07-18-2011, 05:34 PM
He's getting quite good at it now. I came home today and looked in the bowl and it looked like it hadn't been touched other than a few nibbled avi-cakes. It was filled to the top.

Plenty of healthy looking poops so he did eat. Ok I'll play along, let him out, take food to the kitchen and start removing stuff. Avicakes nibbled nicely, remove whole nutriberries from top and then remove half berries. Plenty of crumbs at the bottom, ok dump those and put everything back in and surprise it's only half full.

He's got it down to a science now.:evil: