View Full Version : Regurgitating question

07-16-2011, 12:27 PM
I've had Ren for a while now, and now also own a lil Fischer's lovebird, but.. I'm mostly here to ask about Ren.

His beak color started to fade a while back, and is now almost entirely bone colored, he's eating seeds, pellets and some veggies. He doesn't seem to want to go near fruit but the pellets say they have fruit in them and the vet says it's fine so I'm not particularly worried.

He's started to display a strange behavior though and I'm not entirely certain what it can mean. It usually happens early when I wake him up/uncover him and when I put him in his cage at night for sleep. Though it's been known to happen at times when I go to his cage during the day. He does the following:

When I stick my hand into his cage and approach him, he er... regurgitates and drops some seeds on my fingers. It's like he's trying to, for whatever reason... to feed my fingers. He will only do it in his cage though and does does it several times till he's sattisfied (not enough that I'm worried he's not getting enough food but yeah).

His beak is not entirely bone colored, so I figured he's not reached sexual maturity - is this normal? And if it IS normal, is it SAFE for the lovebird?

The Fischers' one doesn't do that (Granted I'm still weaning this one, since he's much younger). Riggi, as is his name, actually does something I find utterly adorable; he seems to have either figured out Riggi is his name or knows my voice. I call to them when I'm on opposite ends of the house, by name (they're in different rooms because they er don't seem to like each other at all). I call Riggi's name and the little guy will answer - a sharp call. I call out for Ren, Ren will answer. It's rather cute. Riggi also tends to JUMP to the side of the cage i'm walking by if he sees me go by the room (and has managed to figure out how to open his cage door, the brat - I need to hold it with a lil lock or risk him coming out at night/when it's not safe).

07-16-2011, 03:52 PM
Hi Daffu. .. Despite his young age, I would say Ren's regurgitating is normal. .. He's trying to feed your fingers. ..Might be a little messy, but better than BITING :omg:. .. Sounds like he's growing up fast!

Right now, i'd have a bit more concern for Riggi's escape attempt. .. If your cage is constructed with guillotine style doors (those that slide up and down), they need to be secured ASAP. .. Small parrots such as lovebirds have been known to become trapped while trying to exit through these type of doors. . Once entrapped, birds can easily panic with deadly results.

07-16-2011, 04:04 PM
Yes, Riggi's cage DOES indeed have that. I already figured that one out - I got him a new cage, actually, since the old one was... well, a) smaller (I usually tend to keep the baby birds in a smaller cage until I feel they're big enough - it's worked well for the 3 keets and Ren) b) had 2 guillotine doors which he's figure out out to open.

I've slowly been working on passing him over to the big, lifetime cage, which doesn't have those kinds of doors. I read that passing a bird into a new cage needs to be done slowly, a little while each day so he won't stress, so I've been doing that and he seems content. For the mean time, I got little metal 'rings' that click into place to secure the door. I use them to make key chains and other smaller things (they're not big keychain rings, it's hard to figure out what they're called [/not english first lang, lawls]). The doors don't budge more than a milimeter or two, so you can put your worries to rest :3

Since I noticed he was opening the door I put those in place because I was frankly terrified the door might slide down on his neck or something whilst trying to come out.

07-16-2011, 10:48 PM
........I read that passing a bird into a new cage needs to be done slowly, a little while each day so he won't stress, so I've been doing that and he seems content. For the mean time, I got little metal 'rings' that click into place to secure the door....... ........Since I noticed he was opening the door I put those in place because I was frankly terrified the door might slide down on his neck or something whilst trying to come out.

Sounds like you've already done some homework here. .. Good deal! .. I think those "rings" may be refered to as "quick links". .. None the less, they sure come in handy eh? .. So ya's got a new cage? .. Some birdies take right away, and well, some may hesitate. .. Load that baby up with his usual array of familiar items, and i'll bet he'll hang out in there in no time. .. Good luck with everything, and please, keep us posted!..............:)