View Full Version : saw the biggest parrot ever

07-17-2011, 09:47 PM
my bf and i decided to visit a parrot store around here. we got there (bird toy paradise). and there was a huge hyancinth macaw. we've never seen one before. he was beautiful. my bf kept repeating, "did you see him crack those nuts?! he just cracked it like it was nothing!" there was an amazon too. they belonged to the owner who brings them into work during the day and takes them back home at night. how sweet to be able to bring your bird to work with you! but man, how gorgeous this bird was, they both were. anyway, never gone into a parrot store around here before. i think there is only two and one of them is part rescue as well (that one is a bit further away). the owner was super nice and knowledgeable (he almost made me late for harry potter, god forbid, hehe). def will be going there again he gave me a sample of a goji birdie bread they make and so far, the fids like it.

07-17-2011, 10:09 PM
Hyacinth Macaws are, indeed, very striking! They are not common here in FL but there are a number of breeders within the state. Depending on who you know, the cost for one can vary anywhere from $8K - $12K. They also require a very specalized diet.

07-17-2011, 10:28 PM
You peaked my curiosity so I googled it. Wow, they are beautiful birds...and BIG like you said. :rotfl

07-18-2011, 01:33 PM
They have 2 Hyacinth Macaws at the Tennessee aquarium. They are so beautiful. While my kids and others go see the butterflies I sneak back and watch the Macaws. Last time I was there they whistled at me when I walked away.lol.:rofl:

07-18-2011, 01:44 PM
I'm extremely envious of anyone that's got an avian specialty pet store in their area!! All of our pet stores suck.

There are Hy's here, but far and few in between... I've only seen one in person at a parrot club meeting last year. The guy who "doesn't believe in vets" (and he's got hundreds of birds, exposing many to tourists for photo-taking) financed to get the bird through the former President of the club. I believe his was $8K or so for a 10 year old from Connecticut or something. I'm going to guess that one of the stipulations for the former President buying the bird for him is that he at least takes THAT bird to the vet.

07-21-2011, 08:27 AM
The closest I've ever gotten to a Hy is seeing the 2 on the Bird Sitter DVD LOL They are gorgeous and BIG! They sit on this one woman's shoulders and arms and I'm like :omg: that she'd let them get THAT close to her face! She even puts her hands in their beaks and rubs them all over...even under their wings. :blush:

07-21-2011, 09:25 PM
The closest I've ever gotten to a Hy is seeing the 2 on the Bird Sitter DVD LOL They are gorgeous and BIG! They sit on this one woman's shoulders and arms and I'm like :omg: that she'd let them get THAT close to her face! She even puts her hands in their beaks and rubs them all over...even under their wings. :blush:

Yes! I have that DVD too and thought she was brave for doing so!

07-21-2011, 09:26 PM
I don't even trust Jada on my shoulder and she's tiny!