View Full Version : he wont go back in

07-21-2011, 09:01 AM
twix my total mad love bird wont go back in his cage i ahve tried everything by eveyrthing i mean everything

tricking him (distarction slowly move towards cage)
grabbing (just fly away then bites next time i go near him)
putting fresh food and water in (just ignores it)
putting a treat in (again still ignores it)
i have left him in the room in his own with the cage open (still nothing)

i dont know what to do now i have played with him sat in the room he has had plenty of fun with me clicker training etc.he loves being with me very attached its like he wont go back in coz he wants to hang out with me 24/7 im now at a lose i am buying him a new cage soon with a bigger door hopefully that will fool him in and make it easier lol

any tips would be great coz he needs to back in at some point

07-21-2011, 10:07 AM
Is it possible to put the cage near him.

Have you tried to get him to step up onto a wooden dowel and try to place him in the cage?

If all else fails, and you need him the cage, I've heard people will towel them or put on a pair of gloves and put him back in. But this would be my last resort.

07-21-2011, 10:31 AM
the dowel thing doesnt work either lol not much does with him lol

i have done the towel thing before but that was a last resort he is upstairs and has gone quiet he normally has a nap this time so i am keeping my fingers crossed he went back in on his own or has fallen asleep or is dozy enough to just go back in lol

if not my b/f will towel him after which we allways give him treats in his cage and spend time with him as i hate doing so

07-21-2011, 12:12 PM
Have you tried reducing the room lighting? .. Sometimes when birds can't see too well, their less likely to fly off.

07-21-2011, 01:07 PM
Hi, turning down the lights always worked with mine!


07-21-2011, 09:35 PM
Is he pretty hand tame? Sometimes I have to head scratch and cuddle with them and oops, they're in their cage. Best of luck, I do know how you feel though! Sometimes nothing just works! Like earlier today, could not get Hermes and chomper back to their cage!!!