View Full Version : Love birds fighting

07-25-2011, 09:42 AM

I just bought two love birds on Monday and the person said they were about 10 weeks old. They still have black on their beaks so I know they're still young. One is named Chip, the other Dale. We bought them together and they have been together since birth, as far as I was told.

#1 Chip is very timid and shy. Dale is the outgoing one. The first few days they were okay, they came out and were exploring their surroundings. Then late last week, we noticed that Dale was picking on Chip. He'll bite at his neck area and Chip will start squealing - either in fright or pain. It doesnt look like Dale is biteing hard (and no blood or feathers have come out either), so I'm not sure if the squealing is Chip's way of saying he's being submissive or if its pain. I dont want to separate them because the few times they have become separated, Chip has become distraught and looks for Dale. Where Dale goes, Chip goes. Is this normal? Should I separate them? I try to break it up when I see it, but obviously can't be there all the time to do so, and it sounds like Chip is in pain. Dale will sometimes go out of his way to bite him (at first it was just on their nests but even after removing their nests they were fighting..).

#2 these birds did not come trained for step up. Since we do let them out of the cage, I have to chase them and pick them up to put them back in the cage. So now they're kind of afraid of my hands and when I try to teach them step up, they fly away. I could not let them out until they step up ..but then they may never get out! any suggestions?

#3 I've had other birds (always one at a time though) and they were always curious about food, so it was easy introducing treats and human foods. Chip & Dale couldn't care less. NO curiousity about anything. How do you introduce new foods/treats to them?

Thank you all for your help.

07-25-2011, 10:40 AM
Hi and welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community! We are happy to have you with us! :)

First thing I'm going to tell you, and I'm going to be very honest, is that breeders/pet shops have been known to lie in order to make sales. What you were told and reality can be at opposite ends of the color spectrum.

Very first thing you need to do is separate these 2 into individual cages. You can put the cages side by side but keeping them in the same cage is going to result in either serious injury or death to Chip. Dale is not going to let up so living in the same cage right now is not an option. While they may be young, Dale is quite capable of killing Chip. I've seen it happen, even with youngsters.

In order to control where they go, it's my best suggestion that you clip the flight feathers, say the outside 5 on each wing. That will still let them fly but they won't be able to fly up, but they can still glide to the floor so they can land rather than fall. Try offering a perch for them to step up onto rather than your hand. Use the command "Step up," so they know what you want. Since you've only had them a short time, lack of trust is the issue. You are a stranger and they are in a strange place. It's going to take time and patience for them to realize that you won't hurt them.

As for food, chances are they've never seen fresh food so to them, it's an unknown and they will ignore it. Most lovebirds are not fruit eaters, so pick just one vegetable and offer it daily. At some point, they will probably get curious and taste it.

Were these 2 hand fed or parent raised or weren't you told? If you have any pictures you can share, I'd love to see them!

07-26-2011, 08:55 AM
Thank you for getting back to me.

Is it at all possible they're just establishing pecking order right now? I've read they sometimes fight to do that. I'm afraid if I have to sell one (I have no space to keep two cages..so one would have to be sold) they'd get very depressed. As it is if I let Chip out, he stays on the cage trying to get to Dale. They do everything together - including sleeping. Its almost as if Dale gets annoyed because Chip is always around. Is there anything else I can do to avoid having to split them up?

07-26-2011, 09:05 AM
How do I upload a picture so you can see them?

07-26-2011, 09:20 AM
To share photos, you need to upload your pictures to an online photo storage site such as Photobucket, Flickr or Shutterfly. Copy/paste URL links from there to here or you can share images in Photo Gallery.

Is there any way you can divide the cage you have? Lovebirds don't normally establish pecking order. They either get along or they don't. One thing you can try, and it may or may not work, is using a spray bottle filled with water and each time Dale goes after Chip, spray him/her with water, full stream. Most birds don't like that and you will get the message across very quickly. Whether or not it will solve the problem is debatable but it's worth a try.

07-26-2011, 03:15 PM
linda did you mean establish pecking order with two as a pair? i know my flock establishes pecking order when i got a new bird in the house well my lovebirds any way lol