View Full Version : Our New Lovebird Addition Is Home

07-26-2011, 05:19 PM
My girlfriend and I decided on opening our home to another lovebird today, that makes 2 in the home now. We got a separate cage and all the supplies new from our local store, and picked up the bird earlier this afternoon. But here is my question:

I know I need to quarantine Smokie (the new birds name) from Suzie (our first bird), for at least 30 days, then I can move the cages closer together if there is no obvious health problems. The issue is that the only other place to put the new cage is in a spare bedroom and that seems rather mean, as he'd be alone most of the time. Can I have the new cage at the opposite site of the house? They'd be about 75 feet apart, and separated by our kitchen an another room, but I'd be able to see them both while working at my desk.

Then, once the quarantine is done, what signs would I need to look for to make sure they are getting along. let one out at a time, then eventually, both out at the same time?

Other than that, I'm really excited about having the new addition, Suzie and Smokie have been calling out to each other ever since we brought him home.

Here's hoping I don't make any major errors.

07-26-2011, 08:23 PM
Congratulations! .. And welcome home "Smokie"! .........:)

I'm glad to hear your following through with "quarantine", however, even with proper quarantine, there's always some insidious risks involved. .. Especially if the seller or breeder failed to enlist any reasonable amount of vet care. .. Therefore, I must point out, that provided the chances for exposure to PBFD are at best, non-existent, then some minimal airbourne exposure might be acceptable. .. Also too, because many of us lack the proper quarantine facility, our best chances for avoiding illness, is to only purchase birds from those who can provide proof of a thorough well-bird exam. ... In your case with Smokie and Suzie, keeping them at opposite ends of the house should be sufficient. .. However, depending on who you purchased from, you might want to consider extending their quarantine period to 40 days.

When introducing lovebirds, most will start out by placing their cages across from each other in the same room. Gradually, over the next few days, they'll eventually place them side by side. .. Noting their behavior (like if they often perch close each other), or when you think the time is right, let them out for a little get together. .. Do not let your newbe Smokie access to Suzies cage, as the results could take a turn for the worse. .. Better yet, try to find a neutral area where neither has access to either ones cage. .. Really, because many members here have been through the same introduction process, now, during quarantine, would be a good time to review more of our "Behavior and Taming" forum. ..... Good luck, and please keep us posted!

07-26-2011, 09:03 PM
thanks for the reply. Suzie has her turf all staked out, and Smokie is getting used to his new digs too. They have been playing call and answer for the last few hours though, so they definitely know there is another bird around.

We did buy a third, larger cage that we hope to move both Suzie and Smokie into at some point, it's much bigger than both current cages combined, around 4 feet by 2 feet by 3 feet high. And the new cage has all new supplies, so there will be no cross over of toys or perch's, hopefully that will avoid any territorial disputes.

This is Smokie

This is Suzie

07-26-2011, 11:11 PM
I'd say that sounds like a really nice cage! .. And if you can aviod all the territorial issues, all the better! ... Smokie is...well...looking mighty smokie....:rofl:.... Suzie is like uh, maybe a bit full of mischief? .....:whistle:

07-26-2011, 11:25 PM
I love Smokie's color...I'm guessing that's how he got his name.

And Suzie is pretty too, she kind of looks like my Yoshi!

07-27-2011, 12:08 AM
Suzie got her name from a song that was on the radio when she came home, "Wake up lil 'Suzie".

And for Smokie, yes, I based his name on his look, it was between that and Frosty.