View Full Version : Hiding in Hammock

07-28-2011, 02:01 PM

I have a new lovebird, Elbie. He (I think he's a boy, or at least I'm calling him one!) is about 4 months old. I've never had a lovebird before, so I'm wondering if this behaviour is "normal".

I read that lovies sometimes like little hammocks, somewhere to snuggle in for sleeping. I made one for Elbie, and he went inside it the second day it was in the cage. My concern is this: while inside the hammock, he tucked his head waaaay down into a corner, and when I pet his back while he was in there, he didn't move at all (I should add that, while he was hand-fed by the breeder, he hasn't taken to me and won't stand on my hand for anything).

He was so still I was afraid something was wrong!

But then, in his own time, he came out of the hammock and was his normal self.

07-28-2011, 02:44 PM
Yea, lovies love hammocks, or "happy huts". Especially when you bring them home, they use it to "hide".

Any type of bird can and will be very still because they are so scared to even move.
I am glad that he did finally come out and move around.

Just spend time talking to him for now.

I also responded to your other post as well.

07-28-2011, 05:45 PM
Thanks! I've actually had him for about 1 month - I hope he's not still afraid of me!