View Full Version : add another bird?

08-02-2011, 07:29 PM
my lovebird, Olga is doing pretty well - I got her a much larger cage about a month ago (about 2 weeks after I brought her home) and a bunch of toys so she is getting pretty spoiled! I've been trying to enrich her life as much as possible, we took her to some friend's houses, my girlfriend's mom's house, and twice to the park.

I work from 9-6 every day, and I let her out from about 8-840am while I get ready and have breakfast, then when I'm home from about 645-9/10pm. I go to the gym a couple days a week, so I only have her out for about an hour after I return. She is completely glued to me and my girlfriend while she is out of her cage.
I feel really bad though, as if I'm depriving her life of something, by her not being around other lovebirds and being alone for hours on end.

I'm afraid that she may be lonely during the day, and I'm thinking about getting her a friend or male companion (her cage is big enough for 2). The only issues (I can think of) are:
- I live in a studio apartment [relatively large, but still a studio], so I'm worried about added noise with another bird. But, Olga already cheeps and squaks during the day - I've heard her when I've come home during the day on weekends. How much added noise is 2 birds vs 1?
- Does the work/care double with adding a bird, or rise exponentially?
- any other things I should consider?

I'd really appreciate some advice! Thanks in advance

08-02-2011, 07:51 PM
I added another lovebird last month....I will be starting school soon and I wanted to make sure that Yoshi had a friend to keep him company. The level of noise seems to be about the same...they just seem to "chirp" more often with two. Cleaning and feeding duties has doubled because mine are housed in separate cages at the moment.

Things you need to consider:
1. Since Olga is a girl (is she DNA sexed), you have to make sure that you get a DNA sexed male if you think you might want them housed together. 2 females are not a good idea.
2. You will need to quarantine the new bird for at least 30 days in a separate room. So that means you will have to get another cage. During the quarantine, (you could do 90 days so he'd have longer), I strongly suggest you spend a lot of time with the new bird, so that he will have some time to "like" you.
3. Also, they might not like each other so it may become a permanent living arrangement. (2 cages)
4. Then again, they might love each other and Olga might not want to spend as much time with you when you are home.
5. With a male and a female pair, guess what comes with that??? BREEDING and possible babies...

If I were you, I'd try to find a bird already tame....(and remember, handfed doesn't mean tame), you'd have to interact with the bird before making a decision on whether he's tame or not. Zazu was handfed but not tame at all.

I have just introduced mine and since then Yoshi doesn't want much to do with me. He's just glued to the side of the cage trying to get as close to Zazu as possible. I still love him though. Zazu and I haven't quite "bonded" yet but to be honest, I got him more for Yoshi's benefit rather than my own. But I'm hoping with time, he'll at least tolerate me.

BTW, Olga is a cutie pie!
Hope I've helped. Good luck with your search for a new lovie!

08-02-2011, 08:01 PM
thanks for the reply! Yes, Olga is dna-confirmed female. I want to get her a green personata, just like yours, hah.

I was actually imagining getting another baby, so I can raise him to be 100% tame. - - would an age difference introduce problems?

The breeder I bought from will have some personatas later this fall, so I was thinking of getting one then. Olga will still be less than a year old - her bday was around mid April, I think.
I'm not so concerned with Olga not wanting to spend as much time with me, that is not a big deal - I would care more about them liking each other.


here is another pic from the park

08-02-2011, 08:20 PM
Gosh, Olga is a beauty!
If I were you, I'd get another peachfaced.....

1st of all, it was my husbands decision to get a black masked, I wanted another peachface. The breeder had a peachface that was so friendly but my husband insisted he wanted the penguin looking one. His words, not mine. Then, there is a little size difference. Black masked are a little smaller. And since you'd be getting a boy, there'd be a chance of breeding....and the babies would be hybrids (usually infertile) and that's a big "no no" because of the health problems that could arise and also the confusion the baby would have. But you could always, boil the eggs or replace them with fake ones. That is what I will have to do if they decide to become mates.

I have heard many people say that peachfaces are more aggressive than blackmasks. I think in my case, it's true. Also, I've heard that peachfaces are more "tameable". But that's all here say...I don't know that to be a fact.

Since Olga is under a year old, I don't think age difference is that big of deal. Yoshi and Zazu are exactly 3 months apart in age. Especially since, Olga is still young.

EDITED: I wish I could take the little ones outside but I'd be so scared mine would get away even though they are both clipped. Lucky birdie, Olga!

08-02-2011, 08:31 PM
Love the first pic, you changed it?! Sweet little Olga!

08-02-2011, 09:23 PM
Love the first pic, you changed it?! Sweet little Olga!
yah, i thought the other one you couldnt see her very well, she was really small in it - - I'll have to post up a bunch of pics in the gallery.

Well, i have some time to think about what to do, since the breeder has yet to have more babies.

thanks a lot for the info!

08-02-2011, 10:03 PM
No problem!