View Full Version : He's Certainly NOT Shy!

08-06-2011, 06:58 AM
Turns out that Ezio has quite an outgoing personality! The word "shy" does not apply! He's one of the most confident lovebirds I've seen in years! New places are simply new adventures and must be checked out in careful detail!

I've been letting him come out of his cage on his own and he's checking out those things closest to his cage. My storage cabinet full of toy parts has been of particular interest! (Gee, I wonder why.....)

This morning, he hopped up on the arm of my chair and proceeded to climb up my back to my shoulder. He checked out the top of my computer desk and then saw the lovebird salt & pepper shakers that have a place of honor on top of my CPU. They must look like lovebirds to him, as he spent quite a bit of time walking around them and trying to preen them. Methinks he may enjoy a live mate, maybe.

Any way you slice it, he's a welcome addition here!

08-06-2011, 08:01 AM
I couldn't be happier that he's doing so well with you Linda. I promise you that if left to his own devices, he will explore every inch of your house twice!

08-06-2011, 04:12 PM
He sounds like Ditto's long lost brother. He's not afraid of anything! :happy: