View Full Version : Adopted a lovebird and i need help!!!

08-06-2011, 12:39 PM
Hi everyone,

My nan passed away two weeks ago and i have adopted her little lovebird. This poor little bird had another owner previous to my nan which was my great uncle and my nan then adopted the bird when he passed away three years ago.

I took the bird to the vet to have him checked over, the vet said he was a species of love bird and that he was old. He has a little growth under his wing where he was unknowingly scratched by my nan's kitten but the vet said not to do anything about it as it was not hurting him and putting him under could do more harm than good because of being an older bird.

I have put this post up as i am having trouble getting the bird to do anything. When he was living with my great uncle and then my nan, he was never really socialised (little toys and little activity out of his cage), only fed (seed and millet) and watered. Since having him, i have been giving him nutrients in his water and providing him with social activity, toys and fruit and veg as well as his normal food. I have found that he will not eat any of the fruit and veg that i give him and he barely will play with his toys. I have also bought him a bird bath which he will not use so i have been misting him with a spray bottle, but he does not shake himself off so i have to blow on him gently so that he is dry. I constantly sit next to the cage and talk to him but he does not seem to trust me as i leave his cage door open for him to fly around but he does not come out.

I thought he may be depressed and i am doing everything in my power to help him settle and to trust me so that he will feel brave enough to do things. He is eating and drinking and he does look brighter than when my nan had him, i am just trying to build up his confidence and make sure he has an active and healthy fun filled life with me. Any help or suggestions would be welcomed as this is the first time i have ever had a love bird

08-06-2011, 06:38 PM
First of all, welcome to the forum. I am sorry to hear about your nan. I hope you're doing okay.

Try sprinkling his seed on top of the fruit or veggies (cut really fine). Maybe he'll accidentally taste the veggie and decide he likes it.

It's gonna take time for him to be trusting of you. He's probably grieving a little too over your nan. Just do what you're doing, I'm sure in time, he'll come around.

08-06-2011, 08:44 PM
Just continue to do what your doing. This is all new to him. So it will take him time to adjust to new things.

08-06-2011, 09:12 PM
Hello and welcome! I think you're doing fine but I would not recommend supplements in your lovies water. From what I've learned here, that is not a good idea. I have two lovies and they NEVER eat fruit but will nibble on kale or broccoli every day. Getting a bird to try fresh vegetables takes time and LOTS of patience. Offer it daily and with great enthusiasm when you offer give the .....YUM, YUM.....those sounds help sometimes when trying to get your bird to try something new.

Good luck and bless you for taking this little bird for your Nan. :)

08-07-2011, 06:49 AM
I sorry to read that your last bird is passed away.
As far your lovebird you have to have patience and you have to wait that he gets used at new enviroment.
Older and older he is and more and more difficult will be to get used him.
However I deem that the love and the patience are the keys to earn his trust.
You continue to do what you already are doing.

08-07-2011, 09:18 AM
Hi and welcome to Lovebirdsplus! .. This story is amazing in that its not too often we hear about parrots who are passed down through multiple family members. .. Sad to say, but many are lost, forgotten, and may ultimately spend the rest of their lives in a state of uncertainty, if not something worse. .. Glad to hear you've not only accepted his care, but are also willing to improve his quality of life. .. Thumbs up to you!

As mentioned, you've already got a pretty good start on things. .. For instance, many new fidparents don't even think about initial vet care and will otherwise only go in on an "as needed" basis. .. In the event of an emergency, however, early/yearly "well bird" exams offer both you and your vet several advantages, most importantly, one where any necessary treatment is better suited based upon your vets prior knowledge of your birds age and condition. .. Hopefully this, along with the experience shared throughout our community, your lovebird will continue to live a long, healthy, and happy lifestyle.

Suppliments in water? .. I'm with Janie in that they can often do more harm than good. .. Unless there's an obvious need for them, such as those being recommended by a vet for nutritional defeciencies, their better left off the list of daily requirements. .. Over supplimentation of various vitamins in effect can upset the body's ability to absorb and/or utilize other nutrients. .. Also, left too long in a water bowl, suppliments can quickly grow and multiply bacteria to the point where they become very dangerous. .. Besides this, its nearly impossible to guage the intake of suppliments, including medications, when drinking water is used as their administrative medium.

So... What is your lovebirds name? .... Any pics? ..............:)

08-07-2011, 12:52 PM
Thanks for the messages guys, it is nice to know that i am doing something right because i am trying really hard with him. I sing, dance and talk to him and i bet the neighbours think i am weird when they walk past the window.

I am only adding nutrients to the water as recommended by the vet because he did not look to great (no feathers on his head) and he suggested that he may have a nutrient deficiency. His feathers are growing well and he now looks well.

I will try that with the vegetables, i put some carrot in his cage and he took two bites and threw it on the floor!! It is a matter of patience, i have bought a new cage for him but would it be a good idea to try and get him in it if he is not coming out of his cage and he is still settling down? Should i wait for him to become more confident?

The birds name is tiddler (not my choice, my nan's choice), he is so cute!! I will post some pictures up of him. I have been looking at lovebirds on the internet and he doesnt seem to look like any of them but when i asked the vet what he was he said the type of love bird but i cant remember what he said. When i put pictures up of him, would nayone be able to tell me?

I look forward to your replies


08-07-2011, 04:29 PM
........ I sing, dance and talk to him and i bet the neighbours think i am weird when they walk past the window.....

Oh...uh...well, ... the whole world thinks i'm weird walking around with bird poop on my head, torn up shirt collars, and a pair of glasses that look like they've been through WWll .... not to mention the singing and dancing. ......:lol

........ i have bought a new cage for him but would it be a good idea to try and get him in it if he is not coming out of his cage and he is still settling down? Should i wait for him to become more confident?........

With only two weeks under your feathers, if it were me, i'd probably wait till he appears more confident. .. Have you tried getting him to "step up" with a dowel stick (like a short wooden perch) or your finger?

........The birds name is tiddler (not my choice, my nan's choice), he is so cute!! I will post some pictures up of him. I have been looking at lovebirds on the internet and he doesnt seem to look like any of them but when i asked the vet what he was he said the type of love bird but i cant remember what he said. When i put pictures up of him, would nayone be able to tell me?

I look forward to your replies....... .......Stacey

I'm more than certain you'll find several members here who can positively identify your Tiddler. ............:)

08-07-2011, 05:32 PM
There's nine different species of lovebirds and within those species are numerous mutations.

Like Michael said, I'm sure someone on here can identify what kind he is.

Here's a link in the meantime to help you decide: http://www.lovebirds.co.nz/introduction/spec.php

08-15-2011, 04:30 PM
Hi guys,

Sorry to ask another question on here again, i am really worried about my adopted love bird tiddler. All of a sudden he has become very nervous and unsettled when myself and my boyfriend go near him. I have recently put a new little toy in with him but it is by the perch he does not usually sit on but has not seemed bothered by it as he has been acting normally for the last two days. He is eating and drinking as normal but this evening, he has sat with his back to us all evening (about four hours), hardly moving, fluffed up and not responding when i talk to him and whistle to him. I cant get him to turn around as he is currently sat with his back to us (where he does not usually sit). Everytime myself and my boyfriend approach the cage to talk to him, he runs to the other end of the perch but then when we move, returns to the other end with his back to us. I really dont know what is wrong with him as he usually looks at us and bobs his head up and down when we talk or sing to him!! I feel really upset by his behaviour and i am worried about it!! Any explanation or advice would be much appreciated please!!

08-15-2011, 04:38 PM
/Users/staceykirkham/Documents/2011-08-13 17.50.52.jpg

My little bird tiddler!!!!