View Full Version : Should I clip my birds wings?

08-06-2011, 12:41 PM
I have had my lovebird for 1 year but she was five when i got her from a neighbor. She is very social but i cant take her out of her cage because she is not trained and she flys. Sometimes when i take her out of her cage to fly around (in a small room!) i start trying to get her back in right when i let her out because it takes 2-3 hours to get her back in. i want to train her so im trying to decide if i should get her wings clipped. I think it would be mean because she will be so happy to get out of her cage but then she wont be able to fly:( so im not sure what to do. HELPPP?:confused::confused::confused::confused::co nfused:

08-06-2011, 01:54 PM
The good thing about clipping flight feathers is that it's not permanent. They will grow back. Many of us here use what I like to call a "mini" clip. Clip the outside 5 flight feathers so that she can still fly some but not gain altitude. If she lands on the floor, you can work with her on stepping up onto a dowel or perch.

Just because she's older does not mean she can't be tamed or trained. You just have to work with her and be consistent. Use commands like step up or go in your cage when you want her off a dowel (if you can get her to step up onto it) and go in her cage. This way, you let her know what you expect. Treats and lots of praise work wonders in getting cooperation. :)