View Full Version : Gender Guessing #2

08-09-2011, 02:41 PM
I am getting Munch DNA'd (finally convinced my fiance) at the end of the month, I already have the kit ordered and I got the money ahead of time from a small face painting job I just did.... so we will finally have Munch's true gender soon....

The kit will arrive in a week or two by mail, and then at the end of the month I will be sending the test in, so by the beginning of September I will have the results....

Now for the fun part! Guessing the gender of Munch lol This is for fun though because it doesnt really matter to us the gender but im curious to see what people think she is....

As for the DNA testing, lets hope it goes well and HER blood gets on the card instead of MINE lol

link to a photo with her next to Mango (DNA'd male)

also want to throw in these factors.... she shows these qualities from each gender:

She tucks shredded stuff in her feathers (though it doesnt stay in well)
She is aggressive, especially around her cage, more so than Mango
Wider stance than Mango
Wider tail than Mango
Stockier build than Mango
Pelvic bone has widened since a baby, but not as wide as Mango
Occasionally presents herself in breeding behaviour

Masterbates like a male, more frequently than presenting herself
The tucked materials don't stay in well at all
Pelvic bone not as wide as Mango

08-09-2011, 03:06 PM
I'm gonna guess girl just because that's what you have been calling her.

08-09-2011, 03:42 PM
i personally dont know. my fiance is dead set sure shes a girl and thinks the DNA test is stupid. I want proof none the less lol

08-09-2011, 07:03 PM
Not really knowing Munch's age, i'm assuming with all the foregoing behavior, by now there would have been an egg. .. As for the shabby tucking, not really sure where or when that was learned either. Was it by instinct? ... Oh what the heck, right or wrong, i'm going for a BOY. ..........:)

08-09-2011, 08:30 PM
shes 9 months old, but has been recently very very ill so that could have disrupted the egg theory. shes done the tucking since 5 months old on her own, but its always been sloppy and i falls out when she walks around lol

08-09-2011, 08:44 PM
shes 9 months old, but has been recently very very ill so that could have disrupted the egg theory. shes done the tucking since 5 months old on her own, but its always been sloppy and i falls out when she walks around lol

Well, i'm sticking to it. .. Should he end up being a ...sniff... GIRL, then she can bite me all she wants. ..........:omg:

08-09-2011, 08:46 PM
Do you know what her illness is? ... Hope she's ok!

08-09-2011, 09:09 PM
it was a very severe yeast infection that caused a blockage in her stomach (not crop)
i will explain to you further in detail

08-10-2011, 05:04 PM
Just throwing this new thing out there, Munch, for the first time ever, showed that she DOES love me.

She regurgitated for me lol on my hand... and when Mango came by, she chased him away... she also preened my hand... Aren't these boy traits?

got a video

08-10-2011, 06:27 PM
nope i have had both males and females try to feed me i have also had both males and females display for me only way to be 100 percent sure is eggs or dna