View Full Version : Strange behavior? What does it mean?

08-13-2011, 10:01 AM
Ren is now almost fully grown (his beak is entirely bone colored minus a small tiny little shadow that persists) and today while he was out playing he did something I'd never seen him do.

I've never read about this and figured I'd give a poke in here, see if any of you guys know what's going on with him. He's eating healthy, seems lively, sleeps the right amount, chirps, sings, etc (aka, he doesn't seem sick though I know that seeming healthy doesn't necessarily mean he is since birds hide this stuff pretty well).

When I took him out today he started ... 'dancing' out of a lack of better word, on top of my computer keyboard. He'd hop on my hand, back down, full circle (backwards), up again and down, repeat. The circling he does while... lowering his body down to brush his belly on the keys and my hands. He's fluffed up with his wings trembling (almost as if from excitement?), slightly spread from his body.

It's almost like he was try to tell me something or do something and he wasn't entirely sure how (then again I am just human >>a he might be perfectly clear to other birds even if I'm at a loss). He did this for a good 5-10 minutes and then stopped. He seems fine again now.

Edit: The behavior looks a bit like when he's near water about to take a bath, but... obviously there was no water here.

08-13-2011, 10:20 AM
Well, My bird enjoys diving on the keyboard and chasing my fingers while I type. He kind of runs around on it like a chicken with his head cut off! I think he likes the noises and biting the keys.

However, your bird might be doing, the ummmm swishy swish on your keyboard. His hormones might have kicked in!

08-13-2011, 06:38 PM
he's trying to hump you! he's hormonal right now.

08-14-2011, 08:57 AM
Awwww... my poor baby. I admit I had a reaction which was a mix of amused and feeling sorry for him.

Should I just let him er... be? How long does this last? And short of getting him a mate (which I really want to avoid), is there anything I can do to help him?

08-14-2011, 10:31 AM
Not much you can do. It's just a natural instinct. Sometimes it get's out of control with some other birds, and they hump the feathers off themselves. If it ever gets that bad, I heard cold showers work.

08-15-2011, 10:07 AM
I just wanted to post here and tell you guys that you were right. He just er... tried to hump my hand, the poor dear. Hopefully it won't get out of control x.x