View Full Version : Birds and music?

08-13-2011, 11:11 AM
I was just curious, how do you guy's birds respond to music? Do they like it, hate, don't really care? What are their favorites?

My bird happens to really really like the drums. I play him drum solos on youtube and he get's very very quiet and watches the screen. He likes Travis Barker on snare :D

08-13-2011, 04:16 PM
I was just curious, how do you guy's birds respond to music? Do they like it, hate, don't really care? What are their favorites?

My bird happens to really really like the drums. I play him drum solos on youtube and he get's very very quiet and watches the screen. He likes Travis Barker on snare :D

My female birds are gotten used to listen the Doors mainly they adore Jim Morrison; they prefer the song "Ligth My Fire!" :)
They pull and rip their feathers each time that they hear : "Come on babe light my fire" ;)

I'm kidding but I really have to admit that they love the noises as well as the music.

08-13-2011, 07:44 PM
So far it seems Sammie doesnt really care. Maybe he just aint heard the right song yet.

08-14-2011, 10:08 AM
I was just curious, how do you guy's birds respond to music? Do they like it, hate, don't really care? What are their favorites?

My bird happens to really really like the drums. I play him drum solos on youtube and he get's very very quiet and watches the screen. He likes Travis Barker on snare :D

In our home, because music is fairly constant, that gave me plenty opportunity to observe how my lovebirds respond to various artists and songs. .. Loud heavy metal/alternative?....not a good thing, as they tend to get very excited. .. Same music at low levels, they appear to have no interest. ... Country?.....No matter what the volume or artist, there is almost no response whatsoever. .... R&B?.....notta. ... Jazz/contemporary?....often, in between activties, both will take notice. ..Jazz especially, as it may be because of all the different off key notes used to compose it. ... Orchestra?.....same as jazz, only now they'll remain placid with short bursts as if to point out certain notes.

Oddly enough, Goof likes Cyndi Lauper. .. I really think its her voice. ..He also seems to have a joyful interest in oriental music. .. Beeber's, on or in the other hand (that being quite literally mind you), seems content in letting everyone know that when the music gets too loud he's going to hop up and scream in your ear.........:omg:

You know, come to think of it, as an ex-studio musician, whenever I play my guitars, both me and my instruments get pooped on alot. .. Could they be trying to tell me something? .............:confused:

08-14-2011, 03:40 PM
Ditto loves country and classical music. He seems fascinated by the sound of bagpipes too. Jazz will get him dancing all over the place (real jazz, the big band stuff).

Put on hard rock/heavy metal and he'll headbang with the best of them. But like Michael said, he just gets too wound up and is loud enough to wake the dead! :omg:

08-14-2011, 10:38 PM
haha awesome guys! I find that Gigi mostly likes anything with drums or heavy bass. Like I said, I play him snare solos and such and he really listens intently. Of course I've turned the radio on and left the room and I could hear him making happy bird sounds.