View Full Version : Susu is acting weird..

08-15-2011, 11:43 PM
hi guys! so first off susu turned a year old on August 12. we were remodeling for a week and i left her at my grandmas and shes been there for around 2-3 weeks. i would visit everyday and everyday shes give me a kiss.... well lately its like she forgot the trick i tought her 5 months ago!!!! she wont give me kisses and when i say "gimme kiss" she looks confused and only sometimes does she do it. but very rarely.. what do you guys think is causing this

08-16-2011, 05:46 AM
Having a Goofy "kissy bird" myself, i've noticed several changes in how and when he decides to repeat our routine. .. For starters, it used to be that he'd simply imitate my kissing his beak or head, and he would do this almost every time. .. As time went by, his kissies began to develop more meaning, such as, thank you for my favorite food or treat, or all is well for night night time. .. He would even go so far as to make subtle kissy sounds whenever he was scared, like at the vets, or during forced bathing. .. There were times however, he'd absolutely refuse to return the gesture. .. Why? .. I think the reasons could be many. .. Obviously, at least with my Goofy lovebird, kissies have taken on several different meanings. .. For instance, seldom now will he return a kissy just for a kissy, but rather, will somehow make me work for it. .. It appears, or so it seems, this kind gesture for which i've spent years to procure, has evolved by way of a lovebirds mind, into a method of communicating thoughts and desires, even if their not all "desirable".

Could it be the stay at grandma's is Susu's reason for withholding kissie's? .. Or might she be searching for a better reason to give them? .... Hmmmmm.

08-16-2011, 02:42 PM
wow i had no idea. and shes also letting me give her scratches and tickles without me holding her first. shell sit next to me and EXPECT them. i still love her sooooo much. i mean when i scratch her now and i ask for a kiss shell kindly give me one. but she wont 24/7 anymore. lovebirds rlly r smart:)

08-16-2011, 04:42 PM
lovebirds know how to train thier slaves, as they learn kisses have meaning they use it to thier advantage.

oh and on a side note susu in japanese means nipple..i want a bird named nipple!

08-16-2011, 05:43 PM
well her real name is samar, which in my language is an actual name which the meaning of it is means summer. lool NIPPLE!:rofl: