View Full Version : Ditto isn't spoiled or anything.....

08-16-2011, 07:11 PM
Well there's a small thunderstorm moving in so that can only mean one thing....

BATH TIME! So he hops down to the water dish, fluffs up and looks all ready for a bath. He spent a few minutes putting the tip of his beak in and shaking his head but not really getting wet. Then he decided to abort the bath and stand on his boing. Hmmmm.... Odd, he usually goes crazy for his bath so I decided to open the cage and take him to the kitchen sink. Turn on the water and make a bathtub with my hands and look out.... It's wet birdy time.....

I guess today the water dish wasn't good enough and since I wasn't going to open a window so he could get rained on, the sink would have to do. :rofl:

08-16-2011, 10:03 PM
That is just wild how Ditto knows that thunder means that rain is coming, and he associates it with a bath!

Ditto is a smart little thing!

08-17-2011, 06:34 AM
Hi Taxman.

LOL, what a funny bird you have. And funny that he thinks of baths when a thunderstorm is coming. Loves that he wants you to open the window, so he can take a shower :-D

My birds takes bath in the waterbowl, even though they have a bathtub. Sticks their whole head in the waterbowl and shakes a lot, so water is spilled everywhere.
It seems that the water in the bathtub are only to drink, from their point of view :-)

They haven't had their bathtub more than about a week by now, so hopefully they'll figure out that it's fun to bathe in, sometime :-D


08-17-2011, 07:07 AM
Oh yes, rain means bathtime and he'd like nothing more than for me to open the window or take him out on the screened porch if it's windy and let the rain blow on him (and me). And thunderstorms mean he can watch lighning too! He loves thunderstorms.

Normally he dunks half his body in the water dish and makes a grand 'ol mess but he really wanted a shower last night and had a great time running under the faucet in my hands.