View Full Version : DNA sexing Yoshi

08-21-2011, 06:02 PM
Against my better judgement, I've housed Yoshi and Zazu together. Mostly, because the cage Zazu had was so tiny, I felt terrible that Yoshi had such a roomy cage. Yoshi has bonded without a doubt to Zazu and has left me without my sweet little guy.

Yoshi's behavior has become more and more aggressive towards me since. Linda has informed me that all signs point to a female reaching sexual maturity and since I've always believe Yoshi was a male...I've decided to do a DNA test on him. In the future, I will be doing one on Zazu as well.

I just finished plucking 7 chest feathers out using tweezers and toweling Yoshi. BTW, this was my first time collecting feathers myself. I felt terrible because each time I plucked one, he screamed. Poor baby. He willingly stepped up afterwards so I'm hoping he doesn't hold a grudge.

I am waiting on the kit to come, and I will be sending it in Friday.

I don't mind him being a female, but it would be nice to know just in case the two are of the opposite sex. And plus it would explain that it's just her nature to be this way, and that there's not much I can do to change it. I don't want two different species breeding. If Yoshi is female, the happy hut will be coming out and Zazu will be moved to a different cage. In the meantime, I will be looking for Zazu a somewhat bigger cage...what is a decent sized cage for one blackmasked lovebird? Money is an issue (not for me but for the hubby and that's where the money comes from).

08-21-2011, 06:48 PM
I have a bad memory... what does the larger cage look like again?

Even if they are opposite sex, mating together isn't really the issue - letting the eggs hatch would be the issue. If they're bonded, personally I would keep them together. Just do whatever you can to discourage breeding behavior, such as removing nest-like things, shreddables, etc. If they do happen to mate and lay eggs on the grate or something, just replace them with dummies. :)

For me, I would say the bare, bare minimum for a single lovebird - with LOTS of out of cage time - would be the 24x16x16 rectangular (long-way) finch flight cage. The 36x18x18 finch flight cage would be even better. I don't know about about pet stores in your area, but smaller finch flight can be bought for around $30-35 and the larger one for about $60.

08-21-2011, 07:10 PM
The larger cage is 24 length X 18 width X 30 height roughly. The thing is is that Yoshi was a velcro birdy. It's hard to pin point what's caused the aggression, hormones because he/she's 7 months old or if it's when Zazu came along. I think Yoshi has bonded to Zazu but I don't think it's reciprocated.

I was thinking that if I separated them, maybe the aggression would at least simmer down a little. Would separating help with that?

08-21-2011, 08:29 PM
It may or may not, each bird is different... but even housed in different cages, if Yoshi is being aggressive out of hormones and love for Zazu, it may still be there regardless because they can see and talk to each other and be together out of the cage. If Zazu isn't fighting against Yoshi's affections, I wouldn't be surprised if it became reciprocated sooner rather than later.

Unfortunately, this is something that can happen when you've gone from one bird to two, even more so when it's the same species. It's just the chance you take. I don't think you had enough time with just you and Yoshi to form a strong bond, so when another bird came into the mix s/he might have decided s/he wanted to bond with another of their own kind? More often than not, when given the chance to bond with a human or another of it's kind, it tends to choose it's own. I've known a lot of people that went through this... so this has just been my experience from hearing others stories.

Mika, on the other hand, bonded to me very strongly and we were together three years before another lovebird came into the mix. No matter what Kano (RIP) tried, Mika TOLERATED him but never BONDED with him - and ALWAYS chose me over Kano for the entire five years Kano was with us. The first two of those years, Mika HATED Kano and wanted nothing to do with him. I really think it's because we had years to build our relationship and bond.

Ultimately, it's going to be up to you whether to separate them again or not. You can try it? But I know if I had a bird that began to bond with another (even if not reciprocated yet), I would let them be together because that is what is making the bird happy. With that, I would just do my very best to remain "part of the flock" by interacting with both of them as much as possible.

08-21-2011, 08:45 PM
Maya, you hit the nail on the head. I really didn't give Yoshi enough time. I just didn't want him to be lonely when I wasn't home. I believe I got a minor case of MBS (multiple birds syndrome) and now I am dealing with the side effects.

With Yoshi acting so aggressive, I haven't been spending much time with them out of fear. I think Yoshi is trying to protect Zazu from me. You're right about separating them, I don't know how much or if it would help. When I try to spend one on one time with Yoshi in a separate room, he spends the whole time calling out to Zazu or looking for him. If they were separated, I know that Yoshi would still want to go to Zazu's cage rather than me. So maybe I should just have "group time" with them rather than individual???

I am still doing the DNA sexing just to know though (plus, I've done plucked the feathers), that way I can be prepared should breeding occur. I am just gonna have to get it through my thick head, that this is the way they are. Being together makes them happy regardless if I'm not.

At least I have my Gracie to be my companion bird. There definitely won't be another bird brought into this house for a VERY long time.

08-21-2011, 09:11 PM
Lol about the multiple bird syndrome.... easy to catch, hard to get rid

Depending on the dna test results, I would give different advice, so I will hold off.... just an FYI on the feather plucking test.... the longer the sample sits, the less accurate the test. So next time, I wouldn't pluck them until you have the kit, and mail it the same day..... fresh is best, lol

Best of luck, it will all work out.... my cuddlebug Eddie was mean to me over the years here and there, he always comes around. Birds are moody once in a while like us humans I guess! :-)

Keep us posted....

08-21-2011, 09:27 PM
Knowing the kind of bird Mika is, since Kano passed away, I had been wanting to get him another companion to keep him company when I'm not home. Unfortunately, he won't really take to anyone. There was one foster in the past that Mika ended up getting along with, funny enough she was Creamino like Kano was, but in the end we found her a home. I always knew if I ever found Mika another companion, he would still choose me over anyone else so I knew it'd be be okay. Having been a two-bird person for the years I had Mika and Kano, I always felt that was the right number for me so I also wanted another bird for my yearning too.

Now, though, I've decided against any more birds until Mika's time comes. With his vet bills running an average of $2000 a year, I don't want to bring another bird into this house and have another vet bill. It'd be one thing if Mika consistently had a clean bill of health every year and the bills were like $200 a year, but not when there's that extra zero added. So my strong desire for another bird for both myself and Mika has been diffused by my stronger desire to make sure I have ALL available funds for Mika who is my #1.

08-21-2011, 09:39 PM
How responsible Maya (no surprise with you, my dear).....

Raptor and Mika can't be out together? I don't know much about the Meyers, but am guessing big beak and little Mika twig legs = no play?

Are they a quiet bird?

08-21-2011, 09:54 PM
Thanks Laura! I actually held on to the feathers from Gracie for about 2 weeks before sending them since the breeder actually plucked them for me. I read on their website, that it's best to send fresh but DNA will hold in those feathers for a very long time. I guess it's similar to the way humans' DNA works. But I probably should have waited, but it's taken me months to get up the nerve to do it, I didn't want to wait and then chicken out. When the DNA results come in, please don't hesitate to give me advice!

My flock is complete now. No more (birds) for me.
I am starting Nursing school in the am. In a year and a half, I will have a career. We plan on buying our own home soon after, and then I will get to have my dream animal/pet I have wanted since I was a young child. A pig. And now through selective breeding, they've came up with a miniature size pig that doesn't get any bigger than 40 lbs. Yes, I want it to be an indoor pig. They can be house trained just like a dog. I had a potbelly pig when I was a child, but it was an outdoor pig. I can't remember not wanting one, I absolutely adore them. Probably more so than dogs, cats, and birds. That's when my flock or pack or pet family, etc. will truly be complete.

You make an excellent point, Maya. The more birds you have, the more vet bills you could possibly have.

08-21-2011, 09:55 PM
Raptor is the most blood-thirsty bird I've ever known. He is literally out to kill any bird he sees, big or small. He was rehomed from his second home because he was attacking their Pionus, Grey, and Umbrella.

95% of the time, they're out at the same time but in different rooms. The 5% that we let them be in the same room together, both my bf and I are there keeping a close eye on both the birds.

The Poi is on the "quieter" side of parrots, but CAN be loud - especially because he has mastered the Sun scream. :omg:

08-22-2011, 09:02 AM
I think a pig is an awesome pet! I want a goat! lol

On the bird front, my dream was always a blue and gold macaw..... still not sure if I could handle that!

I wonder if I got a baby if it would be sweet with the lovies?

Until my birdroom is done, no more birds! lol

08-22-2011, 03:39 PM
Some day i will get a scarelt macaw :)

08-31-2011, 11:47 AM
Yoshi is a

GIRL!!! And all this time, I've called her a boy! I'd be aggressive too. LOL

They are now separated into separate cages. Hopefully, Yoshi will calm down a little now.

08-31-2011, 12:35 PM
At least now you know that Yoshi is a female. No more guesswork! Some of my favorites are hens! That fiestiness can be very appealing, depending on the lovie. I've got several that are hens and still just as sweet as the day is long. I've found that babies tend to have personalities similar to their parents. :)

08-31-2011, 12:38 PM
my dream was always a blue and gold macaw..... still not sure if I could handle that!
My ex got my B&G Macaw in our divorce settlement but when she lived with me, you could hear her halfway down the block when she heard my car coming home! Don't get me wrong. I love my macaws but the noise can be deafening at times. Mine are OK as long as they can see me. Out of sight tends to be a whole different story. Let me not turn out the lights just as the sun goes down and my entire neighborhood will hear the protests.... :omg: :omg: :omg:

08-31-2011, 02:04 PM
At least now you know that Yoshi is a female. No more guesswork! Some of my favorites are hens! That fiestiness can be very appealing, depending on the lovie. I've got several that are hens and still just as sweet as the day is long. I've found that babies tend to have personalities similar to their parents. :)

Yep, no more guessing! She actually has became less aggressive since Zazu isn't in the cage in just one day. She only lunges for me when I'm close to her now. She was moving towards me to lunge before. And she actually stepped up onto my arm while I was changing her food. Weird!?