View Full Version : Weird reaction to bouncy ball :-p

08-23-2011, 07:31 PM
So I had Phoenix on my bed and had some toys out for her; she was eagerly playing with them, of course. I also put a blue and pink bouncy ball up there, to see if she would roll it or anything. She didn't go near it, and I picked it up to show it to her. Instead of approaching it with curiosity, she made a lunge as if she was angry and would attack it. Instead of squawking like she normally would when acting this way, she made a weird little breathy noise--hard to explain. And she didn't actually touch it at all; although she wanted to attack/bite it, she acted afraid of it at the same time. I left it on the bed a little while longer to see if she would get over it, but she kept doing the same thing, so I finally removed it. I just find it weird that she acted like that towards a ball...she's never been afraid of anything new. She's usually such a brave little thing :-p