View Full Version : Gigi and his weird behavior? I'm confused!

08-24-2011, 12:15 AM
So Gigi is my first lovebird, and since i got him so young I'm not sure what qualifies as normal or abnormal behavior. So I'm just going to list a few things he has done recently, and you can let me know :D

First off, he is guestamated to be 16-17 weeks old. He has one bright orange spot on his forehead (maybe about to molt?) and his down seems to fly about more than usual.

Um, I think I have caught him doing the swishy swishy on his fuzzy corner a few times. At least that's what I think he is doing. He sort of crouches low on it, holding onto the corner, and swishes his rump back a forth.

Also twice so far my boyfriend and I have touched the side of his beak, stroking it, and I think he tries to regurgitate. Nothing has come up yet, but he kinds does this weird up and down bobbing up his neck with his beak open. So is he trying to feed me? Isn't he too young for that?

Also, though I'm sure this can't be solved really. He hates my mom. Like really hates her. He attacks her hands often when she tries to pet or handle him. He doesn't seem to do that with anybody else. Though if you try and get him off your shoulder when he is running around, he will sometimes "growl" at you and bite hard. But that's pretty rare.

And last, but not least, do lovebirds "taste" things often. Because Gigi seems to like, lick everything. Our fingers, ears, cheeks, shirts, food. He just tastes alot.

08-24-2011, 09:00 AM
he is guestamated to be 16-17 weeks old. He has one bright orange spot on his forehead (maybe about to molt?) and his down seems to fly about more than usual.

The first molt begins right around 4 months (16 weeks) so, yes, this is due to molting.

I think I have caught him doing the swishy swishy on his fuzzy corner a few times. At least that's what I think he is doing. He sort of crouches low on it, holding onto the corner, and swishes his rump back a forth.
Gigi is not sexually mature yet, so it's just experimenting. I've seen known, proven hens do this so it's not an indicator of gender.

Also twice so far my boyfriend and I have touched the side of his beak, stroking it, and I think he tries to regurgitate. Nothing has come up yet, but he kinds does this weird up and down bobbing up his neck with his beak open. So is he trying to feed me? Isn't he too young for that?
Birds show affection by offering to feed you. He's not too young for that. Even unweaned youngsters have been known to try to feed each other.

He hates my mom. Like really hates her. He attacks her hands often when she tries to pet or handle him. He doesn't seem to do that with anybody else. Though if you try and get him off your shoulder when he is running around, he will sometimes "growl" at you and bite hard. But that's pretty rare.
Sometimes birds just don't like a particular person. The behavior can possibly be modified, unless your mom gets bitten when Gigi is near you. You are his/her person and it's normal for birds to protect flock members. You will also get nipped if you ask them to do something that they don't want to do, at least not when you want them to do it. :)

Gigi seems to like, lick everything. Our fingers, ears, cheeks, shirts, food. He just tastes alot.
Birds don't have hands or fingers so their mouths is what they use to explore their world. We touch things with our hands to feel what they are like, but birds use their tongues.

08-24-2011, 10:10 AM
Thanks for the reply Linda!

He has been quite nippy lately. I think mostly because I've been at work. But it's nice to know what he is actually trying to accomplish. I didn't know lovebirds fed each other!

08-24-2011, 10:27 AM
Gigi is letting you know that he/she wants more of your time and it sounds like the tactic is working! Part of it could also be because of the discomfort of the first molt. Additional baths will encourage more preening and that will help him feel better. :)

When a parrot attempts to feed a human (or anything, for that matter), it's a sign of affection. They only feed what they like. It can be human, another bird or even a toy. While we may not appreciate the offering, it's actually an honor, as parrots won't feed just anything or anyone. :)

08-25-2011, 12:41 AM
Thanks Linda! It's nice to know that he loves me :D Seeing that he has been so nippy lately. Though he always seems to headbutt my cheek and rub his beak against it, that's his equivalent of a hug. He does it on command now, though there are three different cues :D