View Full Version : I'm wondering if I should

09-30-2005, 06:19 PM
get a friend for my Meyer's Cookie. I'm thinking about it because he is so obsessed with his image in the mirror I thought he might like a friend. Of course, I'm sure it's a crap shoot whether they would get a long or not but I'm just wondering if it's worth a shot.

So what do ya think??

:D :D

09-30-2005, 06:29 PM
Hi Laura,
I may be the wrong one to respond to your question, as I believe birds should have companions for when we are not with them. My birds are company for me and they are never alone without me. I don't breed my larger parrots and none of them have ever laid an egg, even though I know 3 of them are hens.

It took a while for Harley and Ginger to become friends but they get from each other what I can't offer since I'm the human member of the flock. I say go for it, especially if you can find another rescue Meyer's Parrot.

09-30-2005, 06:46 PM
I'm always willing to suggest to anyone that they need to get another parrot!!! :lol I'd suggest getting Cookie a companion as long as Cookie is not already attached to one of you. We are dealing with a Senegal that is so attached and thinks my husband is his mate, that even his old friend that he lived with for 8 years that we adopted, the Gold Cap conure, he simply ignores. Has Cookie ever had a companion previously? Of course, you could start breding Meyers too!! LOL

09-30-2005, 09:22 PM
Thanks guys. I've been emailing someone on the island who helps moderate a rescue board and she was talking about how difficult it is to actually find bird rescues in Hawaii. We have none officially and the Humane Society rarely gets them in and has a very long waiting list (I'm on it). I'm going to call the woman I got Cookie from and see what she says. I will also comb the newspaper which has a lot of birds for sale. If I can't find a rescue Meyer's maybe I can at least find a second hand bird that needs a good home. I'm looking at the end of Oct/Nov. because we're going out of town.

Cookie is not really attached to any one person. My husband has been home a lot lately but he's not attached. I don't think he's ever had a bird companion either. If I did get him a friend I expect it to be a slow process.

OH! I am not a breeder. I'm too soft and guilt ridden. I still worry about the birds I"ve given away and sold in the past :x .

10-01-2005, 08:00 AM
<whispers> "go to the dark side, go to the dark side"

:D what's one more bird? They are cheaper than horses ;) That's what my husband keeps reminding himself...:lol
