View Full Version : New baby behavior

08-26-2011, 03:28 PM
I brought home a handfed baby lovie yesterday and I am worried about his behavior. He just wants to sit in his Happy Sack all day. He is fully weaned, and he will eat if I take him out and feed him from my hand, and he drinks when I show him his water dish, but he shows no interest in going to his food or water dish on his own in his cage. Is this normal behavior for the first 24 hours of being in a new environment? :confused:


08-26-2011, 04:20 PM
I brought home a handfed baby lovie yesterday and I am worried about his behavior. He just wants to sit in his Happy Sack all day. He is fully weaned, and he will eat if I take him out and feed him from my hand, and he drinks when I show him his water dish, but he shows no interest in going to his food or water dish on his own in his cage. Is this normal behavior for the first 24 hours of being in a new environment? :confused:


I know the first few days will be strange. Yoshi went the whole first day home without eating, drinking or anything but was excited to be near me.

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08-26-2011, 07:36 PM
How old is your new baby and how long has he supposedly been weaned? Changing homes can be very traumatic for young birds and many lose confidence in their ability to eat on their own. Even if he's eating from your hand, he may not be eating enough to keep himself alive.

Pictures would be very helpful. I'd like to see front pictures and pictures from the back which include the tail feathers.

08-26-2011, 09:12 PM
He came out for a little while this afternoon and ate some millet that he discovered. But now he's back to hiding in his Happy Sack.

Here are some pics...


This one was taken about 2 weeks ago.


This one was taken yesterday.

08-26-2011, 09:23 PM
Oh my! He's precious! I love those colors!

08-27-2011, 12:24 AM
I know my bird was quite young when I got him and at first he would sleep at the bottom of his cage in a corner. And would only eat when I took him out of his cage, and put the seed on a shallow lid. After awhile though I noticed him eating and drinking on his own, so he picked it up eventually.

I know baby birds like cuddly things like happy huts. I had my bird a fuzzy corner, and he would not budge from that corner for weeks. Then the fuzzy hut came along, and he stayed in it for two days straight. Now however the fuzzy hut comes out during the day, but even if I forget, he won't just sit in there.

He might just like the comfort it provides at the moment, and will come out eventually.

As for food. Offer a shallow dish on your lap maybe 3 times a day. Maybe even offer formula once a day.

08-27-2011, 12:08 PM
Yes, I started taking out his happy hut today and I will put it back in there at night. This morning I took out his food dish and perched him up on it and he ate a huge breakfast on his own! I did the same thing with his water dish and he took 3 big drinks. Then he snuggled me for a bit, had a beak grinding session and is now chomping spray millet. :)