View Full Version : moving to smaller cage what to do

08-28-2011, 10:32 AM
Hi, my birds have a few different sized cages, and I live on the east coast {maryland) and we just had a hurricance so I moved the birds out of the big cage to a much smaller cage of regular size away from the window. Now the danger is over I feel gulity about not putting them back in the big cage. I am new to all this . I have 2 in one cage and 2 in another. 3 of my lovebirds are new and about 6 month . The fourth is 1year and a half who lost his mate so i had to buy a new one. Should I just put them altogether?.

08-28-2011, 10:37 PM
Who lived in the large cage prior to moving them to the smaller cages for safety during the hurricane? Putting lovebirds into one larger cage that any of them have previously occupied can be a bit tricky, as the first occupant feel they own that cage so the territory belongs to them.

I need just a bit more information as to who was housed with who in order to give you the best answer. Rule of thumb regarding number of lovebirds in larger cages is usually odd pairs, even number of birds. However, that's also dependent on how well everyone gets along. I have one flight cage that houses 3 males and 2 females. Everyone gets along fine but I have several food dishes scattered in different places, even though there's only 1 water dish. So far, it's working. :)