View Full Version : has anyone seen the 'jackhammer'

penelope's person
08-28-2011, 12:01 PM
I wonder if this is common amongst the lovies.

Whenever penelope gets into a nice, dark, drawer or closet or cabinet (i.e. somewhere she is not supposed to be)...she not only rubs her beak on everything she can find, but she beat her beak against the hard stuff like woody woodpecker or a jackhammer.

It's kind of cute :rotfl

09-04-2011, 12:45 AM
Omg my bird does that too, like when she's excited... what's up with that? It's cute and funny but kinda strange. Anyone know what this behavior means?

09-04-2011, 05:34 AM
Yep, Elmo does this all the time... Majority of the time I think it's her way of telling me.. "THIS IS MINE!!!" She does it when she gets in the cupboards in the kitchen..

09-04-2011, 07:10 AM
My hens will do this when they are in their nest boxes. :) I agree. It's marking territory. :)

09-05-2011, 03:37 PM
makes sense my hen boo does it on everything includeing me rotflmao by sun conure male does it but i think he just likes the noise as he moves around makeing different sounds on stuff lol

penelope's person
09-06-2011, 10:10 PM
haha, glad I'm not alone!

She was going nuts tonight in the fridge...and it was quite the fight to get her out. The spray bottle only sends her to the back of the fridge where she proceeds to bang her beak even harder. :rotfl

If a lovebird can visibly show ecstasy, it would look like Penelope in the fridge.

09-06-2011, 11:49 PM
Mika, a boy, actually does this whenever he goes into a cardboard box (like a tissue box or snack box). I think it's so cute when he does it, though it doesn't happen often. :)

09-11-2011, 03:30 PM
Haha, that makes sense about the territory thing. Coco always does it if she gets on the computer keyboard. She taps away, fluffed up all the while, then suddenly gets angry and tries to rip the keys off, then back to fluffed and tapping :rofl: My silly, bipolar birdy lol! She likes the fridge door too, but hasn't gone inside yet thank goodness!

09-12-2011, 08:29 AM
haha, glad I'm not alone!

She was going nuts tonight in the fridge...and it was quite the fight to get her out. The spray bottle only sends her to the back of the fridge where she proceeds to bang her beak even harder. :rotfl

If a lovebird can visibly show ecstasy, it would look like Penelope in the fridge.

We've got one of those plastic fluffy dusters.. I find that works better than the spray bottle. I just need to show it to my fids and they know mummy says a definitely, no arguments, 'NO'