View Full Version : I got a lovely reminder today of why not everyone should breed birds....

09-05-2011, 01:42 PM
Nothing to do with lovebirds...cockatiels this time :(

There is a delightful (insert sarcasm here!) woman not far from where I live who has been breeding tiels under the radar (GA requires licensing to list as a breeder....which I am currently waiting on my inspection for!) and posting the resulting babies on CL and kijiji... I can always tell it's her since she lists the babies (or anything with a mostly yellow head for that matter) as a LATINO :rotfl

Today's listing was for a LATINO DOUBLE PEARL FEMALE....the picture of the bird accompanying this lovely post had some very DARK PEARL (re: gray) marks.....

09-05-2011, 03:40 PM
lots of that here as there is no need for a breeding licenence :( i get alot of retired breeders sent to me for rehomeing poor things.

09-05-2011, 06:14 PM
I am in georgia also. I think I know the lady your refering to also. If it is her I would not buy anything from her. She lept her breeders in the basement in tiny cages. At the time she was breeding everything from Macaws to finiches.


09-06-2011, 12:15 AM
I am in georgia also. I think I know the lady your refering to also. If it is her I would not buy anything from her. She lept her breeders in the basement in tiny cages. At the time she was breeding everything from Macaws to finiches.


I know who that one is...and she's a moon bat! This one's OTP on the west side of ATL....I always know it's her since the only thing she has are tiels now....but she keeps writing that things are latino and that her birds are on a very healthy "seed only diet" with some veggies...:omg: And I'm sorry but the woman wouldn't know a lutino bird if one pooed on her :rofl:

On a happier (less cranky) note are you heading to any of the shows in the next 2 weeks? We're heading out to stock up on food for the fids :happy:

09-06-2011, 02:35 AM
Sadly no. We are birdless at the moment and the temptation would be to great for me.lol.

09-06-2011, 01:50 PM
Sadly no. We are birdless at the moment and the temptation would be to great for me.lol.

If you ever decide to get another birdy please LMK ! I've currently got 1 pair starting to lay and another working the box. The dept of Ag should be by early next week and I will have my license for this state :happy:

09-06-2011, 02:22 PM
I wish Hawaii required permits to be a breeder... everyone and their grandma is a BAD backyard breeder here. We're overrun with neglected parrots. :(

09-06-2011, 03:37 PM
Unfortunately even with permit requirements there are still people who have NO idea what they are doing...like the LATINO bird lady...I can always tell when one of her birds shows up on CL being resold :(

09-06-2011, 03:50 PM
Yeah. And here, I know people would breed without permits regardless. I doubt there would be any true enforcing of the permits and catching people who breed without one.

This is why I always found it funny (and sad at the same time) that we have to take a written and practical test to get a driver's license, yet any old shmuck can have babies (and LOTS of them here - the bf and I call it "getting a raise" from welfare). Same goes for breeding.

09-06-2011, 04:21 PM
lol :rotfl love the line about "getting a raise"!!! Out here if someone reports you then they do fine for breeding without a license but (and the lady at the ag office will tell you :confused:) as long as you aren't advertising and it's by word of mouth there's no proof and nothing they can do.....

09-10-2011, 12:20 AM
I just had a chat tonight with the lady who runs the rescue group in MA called Beaks and Noses.... although she seems like she may be a hoarder, it may just be that she can't find an appropriate home for some special needs birds....

We talked all about the irresponsible breeder that sells a bird to the wrong home, then it is rehomed and rehomed until no one can handle it and she ends up with it..... :( so sad