View Full Version : Can a bird be like a service animal?

09-06-2011, 07:20 PM
Hello I am wondering if it is possible for my lovebird, Booky, (yes like my username haha) to be a service animal.

I have anxiety and whenever I take her places with me, it makes a huge difference. I take her in the mall, almost any store, out for me when I go for walks, in the car, etc. And every time she is around I don't get panic attacks or feel nervous/uneasy.

She stays on my shoulder, or sometimes falls asleep in my sleeve if I'm wearing something with long sleeves.

So far no one has a problem with her that I've come across, people are more interested in her and even take pics of her, some people don't notice that she's even there at all.
I'm just worried that there's a chance a person will refuse her in the store or any other area where she may be uninvited.

I'm also in therapy so she's been a huge help with it... If anyone can give me some guidance on this I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you. :)

09-06-2011, 09:56 PM
i think it veries from state to state but here in hawaii you can have a doctors note designateing your bird as a service animal.

penelope's person
09-06-2011, 11:24 PM
I believe I read somewhere about a man with schizophrenia who had a parrot as a psychiatric service animal...I think he had some trouble being recognized...but it prevented certain aggressive outbursts related to his condition. I believe the bird rode in a backpack...it might have been an African Grey..I can't find the article.

I actually got Penelope as part of my anxiety recovery so I know what it's like :)

09-07-2011, 01:48 AM
Yes! I know a woman who has a very intelligent (and well-trained) quaker parrot who has a little service vest (that he wears over a birdie diaper when they are someplace where pooping is not reasonable). His name is Beo and he picks things up for her, knows how to sound an alarm if she is in distress. Beo is a certified service animal. He's quite an impressive parrot.

EDIT: This bird has impeccable training and discipline and you'd have to find out about the laws where you are located. I can ask Beo's people more about it for you, and if its ok with them, and you perhaps put you in touch.

09-07-2011, 06:04 AM
was actually wondering how you got booky to not poop in the mall or your car haha

09-10-2011, 12:06 AM
How old is Booky?

09-10-2011, 01:54 PM
Thanks for all these responses! I live in Canada actually so I'm not sure about how it works yet..!

Also, Booky is a little more than a year old.

Again I was really surprised with these responses, very interesting stories too :)
It's great how birds can be so helpful.