View Full Version : I could use a little help!

09-10-2011, 08:00 PM
Little Gigi has been having some adjustment issues. :(

Back home Gigi was sweet, and hardly ever bit me. I mean he wasn't a cuddle bug, but he didn't bite hard or scream at me. He also would make happy bird chirps all the time within his cage for hours.

Ever since I moved however, he's like a totally different bird. He bites really hard, and will barely step up anymore. He refuses to stay in his cage for more than ten minutes without pitching a fit. So i have to constantly cover him up just so he can't see me, so I can be bird free to study for thirty minutes. If he isn't covered up, he is out with me for hours at a time biting my neck, ears, hands, and knuckles.

I know lovebirds go through bitey stages, so I''m not too worried about that (though he just bit my cheek, ouch!)

I just miss the happy birdy chirps I used to hear, and I feel bad about covering him up so much. But if I don't he just completely panics around his cage until I get him out. At least when he is covered he makes some happy noises.

So my question is, how long does it take for lovebirds to adjust to new places, in your experience? Also, what else could I do to make him more comfortable?

If he doesn't get better after this week, should I just take him home to my parents where he is more comfortable? I'd miss him though. But if he was happier there, I'd do it for the time being.

09-10-2011, 08:54 PM
Something in the new environment doesn't set well with gigi and the bites are actually a warning for you. Wanting to be with you gives him a feeling of security and the bites are what I would term displaced aggression. He's afraid of something, can't bite what scares him so he bites the nearest object....you.

One other factor could be number of sleep hrs. Has he been getting the full 12 every night?

09-11-2011, 10:15 AM
Yes, he should be getting the full 12 hours of sleep. I put him to bed at 9, and he usually wake up around 9:15. He's been sleeping a little longer this weekend though because I managed to make his cage a bit darker.

I wonder if he just doesn't like my roommate yet? He hasn't really gotten the chance to get to know her. She's uncover and cover his cage for him sometimes, and she says that he kind of lunges at her through the bars. He get's really interested when she whistles though, and tries to find a way to that side of the room. He sat on her one time, and he did the staredown with her. Where he inches closer and closer to her face and just stares. So I took him off.

I've been bringing the cage closer to my bed during the day, and he seems to like that a little more.

09-11-2011, 10:45 AM
Not knowing your roommate could easily be the problem. She's basically a non-flock member living with a flock (you and Gigi). If Gigi feels threatened and can't get to the threat to protect the flock, the bites could be warnings for you.

Moving the cage could possibly help. Parrots are so unlike cats and dogs that it's sometimes hard to figure out why a certain behavior suddenly pops up.

09-11-2011, 12:36 PM
Thanks Linda, I know she has pet him sometimes, but maybe he just needs to get used to her smell and voice.

I do hope he get's better though. It's sad to see him so uncomfortable.

So far he seems to make more happy sounds when I cover his cage. I think maybe he feels more safe.

09-11-2011, 01:12 PM
Gigi had to learn to trust you when he first came to live with you and he needs time to learn to trust your roommate. Trust is earned through experience and it can take some time. Just be patient with him and aware of how he feels. :)

09-11-2011, 05:28 PM
Do you think continuing to cover his cage after a play with him is a good practice? He seems to like it, but I don't want to just be provoking the problem.

09-11-2011, 06:11 PM
Do you cover it completely or just on 3 sides?

09-11-2011, 07:04 PM
most of the time three sides, but sometimes four depending on his behavior.

It's not dark though, the cover lets light in.

I just feel bad though, knowing he can't see me. Right now though he seems to like it that way. Maybe it's less stressful.

09-11-2011, 07:21 PM
Try covering 3 sides but position the cage so he can see you and your side of the room. That might be just as effective. :)

09-11-2011, 07:48 PM
Today at least, he is finally starting to play with his toys again. He still won't explore his cage, and he hasn't sat on his swing in forever. (which used to be his favorite thing) Right now he is playing with his jingle balls.

He doesn't seem to be as panic-y with three sides covered.

I'll try and post a video later on. So you can see his behavior.

09-11-2011, 07:53 PM
If covering the cage on 3 sides helps, then his comfort/security is top priority. He's a captive audience to his environment, as he can't just fly away as birds in the wild can do. :) Looking forward to seeing the video.

09-12-2011, 04:28 PM

I took it from my phone (my camera video option isn't working :/)

I thought there would be sound, but apparently not. But the whole time he's squawking. He just kind of goes up and down his cage for long amounts of times, and paces.

This is him at his best. He sometimes is much worse.

(edit, apparently it does have sound, my computer must have been acting up.)

09-12-2011, 04:50 PM
I just took this one less than five minutes ago. I had him out for about thirty minutes, then I put him back in his cage to change out laundry and this was what was going on:


He is still at it now.

He never used to do this. At all. Even when I was at work all day.

09-14-2011, 06:23 PM
So I think the problem is definitely my roommate. I dont want him feeling stressed all the time though, so I'm thinking about sending him back to my dad for a week or two. That way he wont have to be covered as much.

I'll be sad but maybe its for the best right now.

09-15-2011, 09:38 AM
One thing for sure. Gigi wants out of that cage! There's no mistaking the body language. He wants to be with you......period! Will leaving him with your father make the situation better or will Gigi just continue to want to be with you? Right now, that's a velcro birdie if I ever saw one!

09-15-2011, 05:27 PM
He's always been a bit of a velcro birdy, but never this much. Like he would spend time in his cage for 3 hours at a time, happily. Now he won't spend five minutes! But as soon as you take him home, he reverts back to normal.

Now I think Gigi might miss me, but he considers my dad part of the flock, and enjoys being with him.