View Full Version : Robbie thinks he's a guinea pig

09-12-2011, 10:12 AM
I posted a behaviour question a few post down and have appreciated the response, but now I have one more question about something weird he does.

When I got him from the pet store a little over two weeks ago, their bird guy said that they had incidents involving other animals and Robbie escaping into their cages. The pet store had my little peachie in a glass tank with baby guinea pigs on one side him and an older bunny on the other, separated only by glass. As the pet store does not like people handling the animals, they have a lid with pretty big holes that is kept locked. According to their bird guy, Robbie figured out how to fly up to one of the holes and squeeze himself through. On 6 different occasions they had found him in with the bunny or the guinea pigs. They didnt know how long he'd been in there, but it would take a good couple minutes at least to get the keys to unlock the cages and put him back.

I thought this was a cute story but now I am sure that he wasn't kidding about it.
My fiancee is a guinea pig fanatic. She does the C&C cages (about 10sq ft with no lid/top) We have 4 adult pigs and keep them in their own room at the back of the house. Robbie is in our living room. We noticed during the first week that whenever the pigs squeaked for their veggies, Robbie would talk back. We thought it was cute... until the last few days when we've let him roam. He managed to find the room with the piggies and get in with them. They're very friendly and tame so thank god robbie didn't get trampled. I obviously don't want this happening as yeah they could get hurt or sick, but... he seems to REALLLLLLLY like them. This morning he was on my shoulder while I gave the piggies some lettuce. He flew down and stuck his head in the bowl with them! For the two weeks we've had Robbie he hasn't touched any fruit or veggie treats we've given him. So the fact that he started eating with them was surprising. Then he started to rub his head into our fuzziest one!

Again I know this isn't a good thing. I don't plan on letting this continue but I'm wondering if anyone has seen or heard of something like this? Is it common or... do I have a weird bird?

09-12-2011, 02:24 PM
we have several members who have rabbits that play with thier birds.... if you watch them when they together is that ok or do the pigs bite and get upset at the bird? if they get along and you watch them to make sure all is ok i dont see a problem, personaly.

09-12-2011, 04:46 PM
He seems to really like them actually... and they are extremely well mannered and aren't skittish or confrontational so, all though they aren't really interested in the bird, they don't attack him or anything. They kind of ignore him actually. But we had baby piggies at one point so they're used to small annoying things in their cage following them around and cuddling. haha

I took your advice and supervised some play time and it went well... so well that now Robbie is acting different with me. He's not afraid of my hand, he's giving me lots of kisses on the cheek without being asked and is eating what I give him. Total 360 from the last two weeks. Almost like he's being nice just so he can play with them. haha Or maybe I'm just crazy.

But thanks for letting me know that I'm not the only one who has a fuzzy animal loving bird. It's a big relief and I'm no longer horrified lol.

09-12-2011, 09:47 PM
lol good to know here is how i figure it lovebird is a prey animal so is the pigs, so long as the pigs not being protective and nippy over thier babys or house should be fine and so long as lovebird knows not to bite to hard your good to go. I think your lovebird likes the company and might consider the pigs as part of its flock, just make sure your bird doesnt eat things it is not supposed to like salt liks or pig poo pellets lol hey looks like your lovebird has company and no need to worry about eggs :) how about some pics of them all together?

09-12-2011, 10:32 PM
haha so far all he's eaten in there area was the morning lettuce and some grapes later on. He played with the hay - don't think he actually ate that though! I was definitely on the look out for poo! Definitely don't want that going in his mouth or his in theirs!

I haven't taken any pictures but I did take some videos as we have family that wanted to see so when I upload, I'll link ya!

penelope's person
10-03-2011, 01:42 PM
I believe Cute Overload calls this 'inter-species snorgling' (technical term of course).

I had a guinea pig years ago and would love to see your fid and the pigs together!

My lovie is not afraid of ANY animal. Not even the outdoor cats. She once met a Portuguese water dog that was terrified of her though! :rotfl