View Full Version : Update!!

09-12-2011, 11:35 AM
havent been on in a bit and i thought i'd come on and give a little muffin update! he's been doing great, but i had been worried he's been kind of lonely so a little while back i acquired him a possible friend, and oh man did they hit it off!! Cupcake (gotta keep the theme going!) looks just like muffin (a blue masked) except instead of having a black head, his/hers is a mottled light grey. no pictures yet, but once my camera is working better i'll be sure to take some. i was amazed by how well Muffin took to Cupcake, but literally the same minute i let them first interact he was regurgitating for him/her haha
anyway its been nice for muffin to have some company since it can be kinda difficult to give muffin all the attention he deserves, but in the end its better since muffin has always appreciated other birds over me so i think hes happier this way.

09-12-2011, 07:42 PM
Glad things are working out.

09-13-2011, 02:37 PM
thanks, so am i! :)
actually my new one looks very similar to your sammie, except for a horn colored beak and the grey is a bit different, but the same idea.