View Full Version : I want my new pet to be properly happy =)

09-21-2011, 09:33 AM
Hello everyone! Like I said yesterday in my presentation, I bought a 6 months old peach-faced love bird last saturday and even though I keep on reading and reading and reading about love birds in order to make sure my new pet is happy, I think its always best to know what other owners have to share :)

I have a few worries about Gringolo (thats its name hehehehe). It was hand-fed, so it makes it easier to approach, and it shows sociability as well as it likes to come sit on our shoulders and on our head. But I noticed it seems to be scared of our hands : it tries to run away when we open a hand to let it come on it by itself. Instead, it will move a bit on the side to end up climbing on my forearm. Thats not a big deal really, but I just want to make sure I dont scare the poor thing. Is it too soon to ask it to like us? I am just scared it wont like us if we wait to long, I am asking for peoples experiences =)

Since we have it, we never lock it in its cage. Its wings are trimed, so I let it explore its new surrounding, but most of the time it will just sit on the top of its cage and sing. It goes back in the cage when its hungry or tired, and then we lock the door at night and put a black sheet on the cage. It like to jump on the chair and walk on the table, and for some reason its really attracted to my paintings of the walls lol. So this paragraphs question is : am I doing the right thing by letting it out all the time, or I should not?

One last thing for now lol. My bf is really impatient and I keep on telling him to calm down and just wait til it gets used to us. Gringolo doesnt accept the treats we give it. When its millet it does, because its kinda long and away from our fingers. But I mean small mixed dry fruits. Even when its in the dish, it shows no interest. Same with fresh veggies and fruits. I want it to have the right diet, the treat thing can wait. Any tips?

Thank you!!!

09-21-2011, 02:33 PM
Hello Emy. .. Welcome to Lovebirdsplus! .. Pretty much all the behavior your seeing with Gringolo is quite common. .. Hopefully, through understanding it, this may help ease things up a bit.

With your hands. Sometimes at first lovies won't realize hands are actually part of the whole human anatomy. .. They may even appear as other birds, or even a small clutch of babies. No wonder lovebirds will often try to feed them, or other times, compete with them for food. .. Whether or not Gringolo will eventually accept hands as being part of your whole being, or at the least, potential flock mates, only time and patience will tell. .. Try offering his/her favorite treat in the palm of your hand, while at the same time, keep your hand movements very slow.

Will Gringolo not like you if you wait too long? .. Only through extended lacks of socialization might she revert back towards being wild. .. So really, as long as your spending some time with her on a daily basis, I doubt you'll ever have any issues with this whatsoever.

Are you doing the right thing by letting her out all the time? .. Lovebirds, like many other species of parrots, can get somewhat used to consistency. .. Best course, is to not provide more time out than what you yourself are entitled to. .. Although some lovebirds will chirp their little butts off to get out no matter what, you need not aggravate it more by cutting their usual routine due to possible work/school or other non-inclusive parrot activities.

Is Gringolo really attracted to your paintings? ..:confused:.. Or does she like the fact that their something rather interesting to perch upon? .. How bout we let her decide.......8)

Gingolo's diet :nyah:. .. What is she currently eating? .. From what you mentioned so far, you've been offering some very healthy food choices. .. Problem is, unless she recognizes them as being actual food, it can take some ingenuity, and alot of time, just to get her to try them. .. Please check out our "Lovebird care" forums "Diet" section. .. Try reviewing the "Sticky's" first. .. Most of all, don't give up! .............:)

09-21-2011, 07:41 PM
Thanks for the answer! It is really appreciated hehe. After I posted that thread, I went sneaking in the forum and and read the whole ''get your lovebird to eat veggies'' sticky. Ill start presenting it a veggie tomorrow.

And haha no of course I dont think it actually admires the paintings ;) But as a very curious little bird, it seems interested, perhaps it thinks they are windows but somehow knows that something is wrong with that window ;) who knows hehe :rotfl

My boyfriend works at home, thats why we let it out and explore. But when we leave (groceries, or to take a walk, or when we are absent like in the shower) we put it in its cage and it doesnt seem to bother it.

I think we still have to gain its trust, although it is suprising me more and more. Today, it when on my head and it usually flies away after a while, but this time it took the time to figure out how to come down on my shoulder using my hair =D And I also noticed that Gringolo wont be scared of my hands if its walking on the floor : I gently put my open hand on the floor and it will walk on it to get a lift without hesitation =D Im so happyyyy!!