View Full Version : new chick question

09-21-2011, 04:51 PM
too my pleasant surprise, two weeks ago I noticed that my pair of lovebirds had a chick hatch in their nesting box. I have been handling the chick daily trying to get it familiar with me and to tame it as the adult pair are not tame. My question is when do I take the chick out and place it in a cage of its own. I have let the parents feed it as I was too nervous to try to feed it on a tight schedule by myself.

All suggestions and advice much appreciated.


09-22-2011, 03:58 AM
Hi Jen.

I you choose to let the parents bring the chick up on their own, you shouldn't get the chick a cage of it's own, until it eats completely on it's own. The parents will teach the chick to do that.
