View Full Version : Update on Gringolo's taming + quick question

09-24-2011, 06:47 PM
I started something with Gringolo today, a technic I found on youtube called the clicking training (I bet you all know what it is). I was sceptical at first because I only saw medium sized parrot on videos, but since I keep on reading that lovebirds are big parrot in a small body, I thought ``why not give it a try``.

Gringolo as you might remember was scared of our hands but flew on our shoulders and heads without stress. So I started by showing millet and clicking with my mouth so it understands the link between the clicking and the treat. Then, I started associating words with actions (ex: head, shoulder, etc) of things I knew he would do, and giving him the click and the treat. It worked. Then I tried new words (''cage'' so it goes back on the cage, for example) and finally... ''hand''!!! It took a lot of patience, as it was hesitating A LOT. After a while, it finally flew on my wrist, but I put it back on the cage and tried another hand position so it just couldnt go anywhere else than on my hand in order to get to the millet. Did that a couple of times and finally, I could say ''hand'' without even showing the treat and it came!!! I clicked like a zillion times lol. So now, it comes in both my bf and my hands, ANDDDDDDD it eats in it AAAAAAAAAAND it eats treats out of our finger tips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just gave it a rest now, I bet he's tired lol.


Gringolo doesnt seem to notice the thing he can rub his beak on (the white thing attached to the cage which I forget the name) and keeps on rubbing its beak on the cage poles and uses his tongue to clean his beak top, which really annoy my bf for some reason lol (like scratching on a blackboard he says). Is there anyway I can make his realize he has this white thing he can use? lol (perhaps I could click!!! hehehhehehhe ;) )

09-24-2011, 10:59 PM
Sounds like the white thing could be a cuttlebone. . Bad news. . Many birds don't even recognize it as food, let alone something to rub their beaks on. .. Can you clicker train Gringolo to use his cuttlebone? Probably not unless he see's you use enough times.

09-24-2011, 11:04 PM
I'm sorry. The cuttlebone, not the clicker! ..........:)

09-25-2011, 09:29 AM
is there any other thing he can use? I saw some that were shaped and coloured like a fruit, maybe that? Or a toy?

09-25-2011, 10:46 AM
Is the nails on a chalkboard actually a beak grinding? If so.... That is a sound of contentment.... Don't want to stop that! lol

09-25-2011, 02:01 PM
oh really!!! well I am glad to read that hahaha! I thought he was trying to clean its beak but now that I recall, he does that sound after having a treat lol so yeah that could be a "yay i am happy" sound lol

09-25-2011, 08:34 PM
My bird rubs his beak on EVERYTHING. Cage, perches, cell phone, wrist. If he can rub his beak on it, he will. haha So I don't think you'll ever get him to stop doing it.

Yes! clicking of beaks is happy sounds! My bird does this alot after I put him back in the cage after playing with him.