View Full Version : Hi Goodmorning!

09-26-2011, 09:57 AM
Odie's new greeting! Its in the cute garbly lovebird voice but its unmistakable. All hours of the day, of course. "Hi Goodmorning!" Just every now and then, but it is very heart warming. I love that whether I'm working, or playing or sick in bed I have my time with the flock. Frey has become much more cuddly with me lately, he has always been sweet and gentle but lately will bend his head for a kiss or a rub.

These little birds are a blessing. I am so fortunate to have them and this community.

Pips mom
09-30-2011, 01:32 PM
Awwww, that's sweet! hope you are feeling good these days Kristi. Pip has become a little different too now since my move and always wants to be on me! He'll never be a real cuddly kind of bird, but this is his own little way! I love when I'm in a hurry or something and trying to get something done and he just won't stay off me......I shoo him off and he's right back in a flash, like a magnet! how can you resist these stubborn little stinkers?

10-01-2011, 09:51 AM
.......These little birds are a blessing. I am so fortunate to have them and this community.

Indeed. Our fids do take care of us quite well. ... And, it sure is nice having a community who's members help us appreciate them even more.

Hi and goodmorning to you too Odie! ............:)

10-01-2011, 10:21 AM
Every now and then I just have to stop and think that without this community I would not have my lovebirds, and very likely not have the rest of my flock either. :grouphug1

I put a perch right next to where I sit at the computer because Odie had taken to sitting on the floor/clinging to the side of his cage to be near me. He's there right now chriping away, doing acrobatics and coming back. :). and Frey is not far either. Of all my birds, he was the last one I expected to become such a soft touch. Its so amazing to me that all I have to do is put my hand it the cage and immediately I have two ecstatic lovebirds on it! He was so afraid for so long, its wonderful to see him so care-free with those happy, shining eyes. They're such well-behaved birds, though they have their moments. This morning I was putting in a plate of food, and Odie got out. I noticed only Frey was at the dish and looked around the cage for him. Odie was sitting silently up high in a place I could not reach him looking smug! He so rarely does things like that, I got a big kick out of it. I actually had to get Chris to get him down. I think, perhaps, that is what he wanted.

Of all the online communities I have been a part of, this is my most cherished. It takes a great deal of mindfulness, considerateness, and kindness on behalf of every person that is a part of it and it hasn't changed in the 3 years I've been here. I do not mean to turn this into something negative about "all that" "out there", but a community that works as well as this one is a rare and wonderful thing to find on the internet.