View Full Version : Taming help?

10-05-2011, 03:31 PM
I was wondering if anyone could offer me any advice on taming my new lovebird Echo? He (I'm not sure of his real gender) is such a sweetheart, he knows my face already and my voice and is comfortable enough to sleep, eat, and drink in front of me. But for the most part still sits in the corner of his cage on his rope perch. I'm pretty much the only one that can get close to the cage without him running to the other side.

There have been two times where he i've let him out of his cage, but I've had to go catch him to put him back, which I know is no good and haven't helped with my problem I'm sure. Now don't get me wrong he doesn't bite. I was suprised at that even if I have him cupped in my hands he won't bite (again I've only done that the twice).

But he is terrified hands. If I just have my hand in his cage he doesn't stress too much, but he if he feels it's too close he'll screech and carry on like nobodies business.

I already love him to peices and love the fact that he's trying to now say his name, and will rub his head and beak on his rope perch because he wants me to tell him he's cute. Every now and then he comes over to me when I'm on the other side of his cage, basically trying to get my attention. And he does this weird flapping sometimes at the bottom of his cage sometimes which I think is also just to get my attention. And I've learned around what times he is most active.

Sorry about writing so much, if you need or want to know anything else just ask me. Anyway, like I said before if I could have any help taming him more to make both of our time together even more enjoyable, please let me know! It would be greatly appreciated.

10-05-2011, 07:34 PM
To be honest, I really feel that you and Echo are much more far along than you think. .. You've already been able to cup him in your hands, he obviously wants your attention, and he's not very interested in biting you. .. I'm almost obliged to say i'd be disappointed if he didn't at least give a little nip or two! .. From my own perspective though, Echo and you are really just starting out. .. He may not yet fully trust you (or your hands), nor may he be comfortable about his new environment either. .. As for only being twice out of his cage, most all lovebirds need more time than that to explore their new surroundings. Of course, he's not going to want to go back right away because thats just too interesting and fun. .. Maybe try choosing a time where returning him to his cage isn't readily important. .. Does he have a favorite treat you can use to coax him back in his cage? .. Have you practiced "step ups" (perhaps with a wooden dowel instead of your hand)? .. Speaking of cage, that is HIS home, and the corner he sits in is probably where he feels the most comfortable. .. Not only is this a good thing, but its entirely normal. .. Aside from sticking your hand in his safe zone, I would try getting him to step up at his doorway. .. Give him good reason to come to you, and over time, there's a good chance the rest will fall into place. ..............:)

10-05-2011, 09:39 PM
Honestly I know after all the research I've done on lovebirds, I was insanely shocked not have gotten bit at yet. I figured I was getting pretty far, and I know he needs to be out more, but for the most part even if I just leave his door open while I'm in my room he doesn't even attempt to come out. Also, I have tried using a dowel if anything he freaks out more if I put one in his cage, and trying to think about it when I got him I don't remember seeing perches in the cage, just a few toys. I have tried coaxing him to come closer to me with millet through the bars of a cage and it's only worked a few times. But I agree with you he's not that trusting just yet. I would love for him to come out more but I really don't know how to get him to come out just yet.

I really don't mind having to wait months for complete taming, I just would like to get him out more for excercise at the very least ya know?

10-06-2011, 06:25 AM
.......I really don't mind having to wait months for complete taming, I just would like to get him out more for excercise at the very least ya know?

Hard to say why he's not so interested in coming out. Being unsure of Echo's gender, he could also be a female. .. Sometimes their a little more reluctant to leave the cage. .. Again though, its generally not a good idea to go inside where he feels the safest. ... Sorry to hear that the dowel stick was so frightening. .. Although utilizing a dowel is worth a try, if your hands appear less intrusive, then by all means toss the stick. .. Does Echo like to bathe? . Sometimes a plate or shallow bowl of water placed outside the cage can be attractive. .. To grab his attention, you may have to dabble your fingers in it first, then step back and see if he'll take notice. .. Extra socializing might help too. . In the wild, lovebirds are very social beings. .. Often, companion birds lack a good deal of interaction due to the lack of communication. ... Best I can add for now, is try to enjoy the taming process. .. More exciting is it to eventually reach certain goals, than it is to happen all at once. .. Be aware too, that as a companion bird Echo has little understanding of his position in life, so keep all expectations as low as possible. .. Too much, and you's could lose a certain level of trust.

10-09-2011, 04:48 AM
Hi Lala.

Well, to me it seems like Echo is still unsure about the new inviroment. I think you're doing the right thing by having his cagedoor open and he'll come out when he's ready.

About getting him back in. I have 2 lovebirds who aren't tamed yet and they're out every day. I never feed them outside their cage, cause they'll go in the cage when they're hungry/thirsty and need to eat. And then I just close the door. They'll need to eat for every couple of hours, so be sure that you have the time, when you're letting Echo out.
