View Full Version : not interested?

10-10-2011, 03:11 PM
is it normal that my muffin seems completely disinterested in cupcake when she presents herself to him? they get along great and preen each other and everything but now she is like following him around birdy-butt in the air wings spread and he seems completely clueless.
poor cupcake is keeping shut in the dreaded Friend-Zone!! :omg:

10-10-2011, 05:23 PM
are you sure you have a male and female? and depends on age, also some birds just dont know what to do if you catch my drift.

10-10-2011, 05:42 PM
im not 100% but ive had muffin for almost four years and based on overall general behavior (toy-humping, clicky dance, and beak banging) i've come to the assumption muffin is a male, and i've had cupcake for several months now and, well, "she" REALLY want muffin to hump "her". a lot. haha soooo i just assume. i have a feeling muffin just doesnt know how to get on her since the toy he used to hump was a hanging toy he could easily crawl on top of. i just thought it'd be you know...natural. that he'd just figure it out! haha

10-10-2011, 11:08 PM
I've had that happen before! :) Males prefer objects to the real deal...... :omg: Some will figure it out, while others remain clueless and continue to show affection for a favorite thing instead of something that can show affection in return. You can try removing the "object" and see if it has any affect on Muffin's actions.

10-11-2011, 10:42 AM
i would, but i had to throw it away since muffin tried to "feed" it so much it was a little too disgusting. well if he figures it out he figures it out haha i just thought it was hilarious how he really seems to have no idea.

10-11-2011, 11:19 AM
:whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
I've always thought it to be amazing how some of my male lovebirds just don't or won't mate with a real female, but they don't. Of course, I've also had those shy males who prefer to get together with their mates in the privacy of the nest box. I don't see them mate yet when the hen lays eggs, some miraculously show fertile. Go figure.......