View Full Version : Major help!!!!!!!

10-15-2011, 09:22 PM
I have two Fischer's lovebird who are absolutely adorable. They are joined at the hip and I know that it's almost absolutely impossible to train/tame in this particular situation. Does anyone have any ideas or is it a lost cause?? Any ideas would be awesome!!!

Here are a couple pics of them.



10-16-2011, 05:13 AM
Your lovebirds are absolutely gorgeous! I love Blue Fischer's, especially their personalities. :)

Impossible to tame them? I wouldn't say that but it's going to take some time and patience. Start by putting their cage in a location where you spend a lot of time so they can get used to your physical presence. They need to learn by experience that you won't hurt them and that's a huge step forward. Lovebirds are naturally curious and once they feel comfortable, they will want to see what you are doing and if you have anything that they can claim as their own. One rule to remember with lovebirds: What's theirs is theirs and what's yours also become theirs! It goes so far as they are a flock and once they accept you, you become a member of that flock (a coveted position).

Once they begin coming over to the side of the cage where you are, you will know you have gained at least part of their trust and they are interested in you. Next step is to open the cage door and let them come to you. I notice that they are fully flighted and you may want to clip 5-6 of those flights on each wing just so you have some sort of control once they come out. You don't have to continue to clip flight feathers but once will help in the taming process. Flight feather clipping is strictly a personal choice so this is merely a suggestion. This community suggests. That's all.

The biggest hurdle you will have to face is how they react to human hands. They may enjoy being with you but may not like being touched or cuddled. You may also find that 1 is tamer than the other. Since they are very attached to each other, winning over 1 of them will get you both.

Pips mom
10-16-2011, 09:15 AM
Your lovebirds are just beautiful! What alot of people just don't get about birds is that they require alot of time and patience.........everyone wants a tame bird in a week, and it just doesn't work that way if the bird is not tame to begin with. First......they need to adjust to new surroundings and new people. If your two are not tame and afraid of you, chances are good that this won't change anytime soon, and the changes in them as they get to know you better are very gradual. It took me almost a year, ten months to get my first bird fairly tame......each bird is different though. With two together, it may seem a little harder, but one always follows the other, so if you get one to like you, then the other will follow.......same is true of food......what one eats, the other will always be willing to try. It may seem like you need major help with training and taming them.......but the truth is that all you really need is time. It may seem hopeless at times too and you'll find yourself thinking......will the day ever come that they they'll like me? the day WILL come! but your birds have to set the pace for that and there's no way around that......no quick short cut, it just takes time.
Clipping is always a good way to start.......flight feathers grow back in no time with lovies! so clipping some of those flights just for taming and calming them down a bit is something you can experiment with and if you decide to keep them fully flighted, you can still make that choice afterwards. I've found with lovies though, they are so mischievous and such little stinkers, that clipping just a few flights helps with that....I always keep Pip clipped, but he has most of his flight feathers, and can fly as well as a fully flighted bird.......but for him, it's just a little harder to fly those long distances as he's missing a few flight feathers.......so when you make flight a little more work for them, they tend to not fly as far and then stay in a certain area and not get into as much! People sometimes think that clipping means taking away their flight......it never should do that! this is why it's a good idea to learn how to clip them yourself.......too many times I've taken my birds to vets and other places to be clipped and they've clipped too much!
Some of the things I've done with my birds is just talking to them and trying to immitate their sounds back to them.....also eating nearby them is a good idea......the flock eats together.......you will start to notice them eating when you eat! You can also try to lure them closer to you with treats like millet.
Another thing with lovies is biting.......please try not to let it discourage you if you get a good bite once in a while! Pip has gotten me good quite a few times, but this also I think tends to get better with time......Pip rarely bites now, but he's still a little nippy. Sometimes I think they just have to always be doing something with that beak.....Pip will either be preening my hair (more like ripping it out!) or chewing holes in my shirt!
Good luck with your beautiful lil lovies! Before you know it........you'll be good friends, I'm sure!

10-16-2011, 09:19 AM
Nice looking birds :)

10-16-2011, 04:48 PM
They are very to themselves. This is going to be a big chore, but I think it'll be worth it. My husband likes them so much that he wants to buy a lutino. LOL...anyway, I'm really working on these two. Thank you for all the info.