View Full Version : Taming my bird

10-02-2005, 04:20 PM
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Magenta]Hello I am a new love bird owner and need to learn how to tame mine he is not a biter but will fly away if you dont hold on tight?? If anyone can help me that would be great but could you please email I check all the time it shcilling@yahoo.com Thank you and have a great day!!! Kaitlyn

10-02-2005, 04:33 PM
Hi Kaitlyn,

Welcome to the board. I was just on the phone with Linda and she said you would be joining us. I have a a creamino lovie named Lacey that is an older sister to your lovie, I believe Linda told me you had named him Apolo? Is that the name you settled on? Anyway, we have related lovies, and Barb here also has a lovie related to you yours.

We do prefer to keep anwers to any questions here on the board, as new and existing members including myself learn from others experiences, so I will try and answer your question here if that is alright.

Apolo is in a new home, with new people, so give him a few days to settle in before trying to handle him too much. Sit by his cage and talk to him, offer him treats by hand such as millet spray, apple slices(no peeling), snow peas, and sugar snap peas. It is very important to introduce him to fresh fruits and veggies at a young age, as these are key to a long, healthy life. Wash all veggies and fruits well before giving them to him though, and don't leave any fresh food in the cage for more than 2-3 hours, as bacterial will start to grow after that time.

To start, open the door and offer Apolo your hand, if he accepts good, if not, close the door and try again a little later. If he does come out, take him to a room away from his cage as he will see this as his safe spot, and take him to a birdy safe room, some choose the bathroom. Make sure all doors are closed, toilet lid is down, and mirrors covered. Birds tend to fly to the birdie in the mirror, and of course they just crash into the mirror, and that can be deadly, windows need to be covered also so they don't try to fly to them, thinking they can escape. Most birds will sit on your shoulder, and if Apolo will do this, just sit with him and let him become accustomed to being with you. You are earning his trust, and that can take a while, but it will happen. Let him spend as much time with you as he likes, but also don't keep him out too long without food and water, I have a little cup I keep with water for my birds when I take them out so that they can drink.

Sorry so long, and I'm sure others will offer you alot of good information also, but key to taming is, time, love, patience and everyday interaction. If you let Apolo come to you in his time, and on his terms, you will earn his trust faster, and have a very bonding relationship.

C-ya around the board :)

10-02-2005, 04:35 PM
Hi Kaitlyn,
Your new lovebird is in an unfamiliar situation and first reaction is to fly away. I think you can relate to that each time you go somewhere you have never been before. He needs time to get used to where he is and realize that you won't hurt him. It won't happen overnight but you should see progress from your efforts. You might start by just having his cage next to where you are and talking to him. Try offering food through the bars of the cage so that he can see your fingers bring good things. Several other members of this community also got untame lovebirds from me and those have turned into wonderful, very loving pets. Just be patient and you will see the rewards of your efforts.

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