View Full Version : moving the bird cage around the room?

10-31-2011, 02:56 AM

i got 2 wonderful birds that are afraid of me. I have the birds in the corner of my room currently. I was thinking of moving the cage beside my bed at night time (where i do some reading and net surfing on my laptop) so i can be near them, build trust, and prove to them that i am not a predator. I would move the cage back to the corner right before i go to sleep.

My concern is I would frighten them if i move their cage/home.

Would you think this is a good idea or bad?

10-31-2011, 11:49 AM
What time is your night time? From what time to what time would they be there, and what time does it get dark?

10-31-2011, 02:54 PM
........My concern is I would frighten them if i move their cage/home.......

Problem is, every lovebird has their own personality. .. Some you can move around and they couldn't enjoy it more. ..Others may, over time, get used to it. .. And then there are those who won't, and never will, appreciate having their homestead slid from one place to another almost every night of the week. .. For now, because you have yet to establish some sort of happy medium, i'm leaning more towards that if you were to move them around too soon, it may frighten them. .. Reason? . If their already leary of human interaction, moving their home to an unfamiliar location (even though its in the same room), could create feelings of instability/anxiety. .. The result being, your taming process could be set back a few steps. ... Any chance you could move your bed? .. Just kidding... Any chance you could set up an easy chair next to their cage, even though the beds more comfortable? .....:D

Perhaps the only way to find out is to move them. .. Although whether it speeds up the taming process, is really difficult to say. .. I would though, keep a close observation on how well they respond, and should they appear agitated, or excedingly vocal, then you may want to reconsider. ...........:2cents:

10-31-2011, 07:39 PM
What time is your night time? From what time to what time would they be there, and what time does it get dark?

i would move them close to my bed around 10pm and place them back by 12:30 or 1:00am.

right now it gets dark outside by 7:00pm.

10-31-2011, 08:51 PM
Problem is, every lovebird has their own personality. .. Some you can move around and they couldn't enjoy it more. ..Others may, over time, get used to it. .. And then there are those who won't, and never will, appreciate having their homestead slid from one place to another almost every night of the week. .. For now, because you have yet to establish some sort of happy medium, i'm leaning more towards that if you were to move them around too soon, it may frighten them. .. Reason? . If their already leary of human interaction, moving their home to an unfamiliar location (even though its in the same room), could create feelings of instability/anxiety. .. The result being, your taming process could be set back a few steps. ... Any chance you could move your bed? .. Just kidding... Any chance you could set up an easy chair next to their cage, even though the beds more comfortable? .....:D

Perhaps the only way to find out is to move them. .. Although whether it speeds up the taming process, is really difficult to say. .. I would though, keep a close observation on how well they respond, and should they appear agitated, or excedingly vocal, then you may want to reconsider. ...........:2cents:

thanks for the knowledgeable feedback. So I will go ahead and test it out tonight. if they are ok with it then i will continue with the move. But if you say that they get more vocal or appear more agitated then these are the signs that they are uncomfortable? If they appear to be still then would that be considered ok?

btw i have seen one of the bird biting his own tow nail. Is this normal or should i be concerned?

thanks a bunch in advance.,

10-31-2011, 09:20 PM
I would say try it. When I got my lovebird, he stayed in my bedroom at 8:30 pm to about 9:30 am when he woke up. Then moved to the living room. And he doesn't mind it at all!

11-01-2011, 12:07 AM
.......But if you say that they get more vocal or appear more agitated then these are the signs that they are uncomfortable? If they appear to be still then would that be considered ok?

From my perspective, more noise means they could be agitated, or yes, uncomfortable. .. If they calmed down within a relatively short time however (using your opinion), then it might just work out.

.....btw i have seen one of the bird biting his own tow nail. Is this normal or should i be concerned?

Some even sound like their clipping their own nails! .. Most the time though, if not all the time, this is perfectly normal. ..........:)

11-02-2011, 02:44 AM
so the first night i moved them beside my bed, they didnt seem very vocal but they were always paying attention to my every movement, which i believe is normal. they seem to get very active around the cage though. i do not know if that means that they are agitated or not. i fell asleep and left them beside me until i woke up for work, which i moved them back to their corner in the morning.

theses guys are really quiet compared to the birds i hear about on this forum.

11-08-2011, 01:07 AM
so I have been moving their cage for about a week now but i have not seen any change in mango and kiwi's attitude towards me. it is probably too early to see any change ( i only had them for a lil over a month now.) i will keep them in their bird corner until i can see any change that says they feel more comfortable around me.

someone mention on the forum that i can try blinking twice each time i enter or leave the room as a way to communicate with them . i have been doing that and will continue to do that and hopefully i see a change in their behaviour. if there are any other strange and small things i can do, please let me know.
