View Full Version : I Did Not Need Another Parrot, I Did Not Need Another Parrot......

10-02-2005, 04:46 PM
...but this parrot desperately needed a new home! I now have a Quaker Parrot named Bird Bird who came to live with me today. :blush: I got a message this morning from a freecycle group to which I belong and the family had a Quaker Parrot that they just didn't have time for any longer. :( I've seen thses kinds of messages before but this one struck a note with my soft heart..... I am his third and last home. He's plucked his chest and one leg bare, probably from lack of attention. Considering his poor flight ability, I suspect that he didn't get much out of cage time.

Bird Bird is really very sweet, not a biter at all. Loves beak rubs and head scritches. He has a limited vocabulary and even sings opera.

10-02-2005, 05:27 PM
Linda ty for doing this. I belong to freecycle also and try to direct them to a good home if I can(any type of pets). I hope this bird thrives soon as I know the best possible person found him.


10-02-2005, 05:28 PM
Linda, I am jealous!!!!! I really am! I would love to have a Quaker and I guess it's just as well that they aren't legal in GA or, I would! :D

I am so happy to hear that Bird Bird is finally at home.....forever! Keep us posted on him. I'll bet he'll become part of the flock in no time and I KNOW he'll be a much happier bird! :)

10-02-2005, 05:47 PM
Bird, Bird????? You are gonna have to do better than that. Come to think of it, did my hubby name that bird :rofl:

For those who don't know, my hubby was not much of a cat person. Every cat I have(Have 3) is a stray, and to get him to accept them more willingly, I had him name them. I have, Fred, Orange(orange cat, go figure :rolleyes: ), and Ms. Kitty, so you can see why I think my hubby named Linda's new Quaker :lol

Anyway, I know BB has a wonderful new home, and will get tons of love and attention with Linda. You should have heard the love in her voice for him already when I spoke with her. Yep, she's a gonner :lol

10-02-2005, 05:48 PM
I figured it this way. Bird Bird came with cage, toys and the price was right. I already feed a lot of mouths and am responsible for a lot of vet care. One more won't make a whole lot of difference but perhaps I can make a difference in his life. He really is very sweet. All he wants is to sit on a shoulder and cuddle. :)

10-02-2005, 06:38 PM
Good for you Linda :happy: and bless you. :D


Buy A Paper Doll
10-02-2005, 06:46 PM
Linda, you're right - You did not need another parrot, but this parrot needed YOU! :) Congratulations on the new addition to your flock!

10-02-2005, 06:58 PM
Jennifer, :D.....that says it all!!!!!!

10-02-2005, 08:25 PM
Linda: It sounds like Bird Bird hit the birdy lottery and found his forever home. Congrats :D

I love the name "Bird Bird" :rolleyes:

10-02-2005, 08:26 PM
I feel so bad for this bird right now. When I went to pick him up, I took him out of his cage to see how he would react to being handled by a stranger. He stepped right up onto my hand, no attempt to bite. However, he went from my hand to his soon to be former owner and he just cuddled up to her. I asked her if she really wanted to rehome him and she said yes. I asked her 3 more times, as I know how traumatic it was going to be for the bird.

He had a vet check up about 3 months ago so I'm not particularly worried about quarantine. They use one of the avian vets that I've also used for my back up vet and he's knowledgable when it comes to birds. My biggest concern is finding a place for him in the house that's a bit warmer. He has no chest feathers and one leg is bare. I don't want to leave him outside in my lanai, as he will be all alone again. Gotta figure that one out tonight.

10-02-2005, 08:31 PM
Linda: I know what you mean about bird Bird. I'm always worried about birds, or any pet, that's rehomed because there is no way they know what's going on. Life is one way and BAM your takin' to a new place with strange people and a whole new lifestyle to adjust to.

Good luck with squeezing the new guy in. I'm right there with ya 8o .

10-02-2005, 08:38 PM
Bird Bird is in bed for the night and now Harley and Alex are demanding equal time! Alex literally climbed down off of Echo's cage so that I would pick her up. I think I need a few more shoulders.....................

When I got home with Bird Bird, I put him in his cage (brought him home in a carrier) to eat and he just sat there. I had to get an extra food and water dish and hang them on the bars where he was sitting. He was hungry but too stressed to go to his usual dishes. Once he ate, I took him back out and he sat on my shoulder for quite a while, preening his feathers, not chewing or plucking. I would love to see chest feathers grow back.

10-02-2005, 09:13 PM
Bless your ever-lovin birdie heart, Linda !!!
Bird Bird is the word-word !!!

10-02-2005, 09:13 PM
You are a very good-hearted woman, Linda. I am so very happy for you and Bird Bird, and I am hoping that his readjustment to his new human flockleader is a speedy and painless one.

Good on ya, Linda!

10-03-2005, 08:38 AM
I heard Bird-Bird over the phone last night. What a sweetie! Linda, you said he sings opera? Can't wait to hear that! :) And I'm glad he likes Jim, too.

I'm also glad Bird-Bird will be able to skip the usual quarantine -- thank goodness the former owner was responsible enough to provide vet checks. It would just be too sad if Bird-Bird had to spend hours alone again.

Can't wait to hear more!

10-03-2005, 11:08 AM
Oh....what a happy story for Bird Bird. Yes Linda, you did need another parrot..and he sounds like a real sweet heart...Opera, how fun is that....I love it!

10-03-2005, 05:04 PM
Oh Linda, I'm jealous! I love Quakers and this guy is one lucky bird to have found a home with you. They can be the most charming and sweet little ones. He might like a cozy, especially since he's a plucker. Ours adored his cozy...and used it for different purposes at hormonal times...if you know what I mean. ;) Our Quaker absolutely adored making a "nest" with leather strips and a toy made of Paulie Rope that he would wind the rope through the cage bars.
Give Bird Bird a kiss kiss from me!

10-03-2005, 06:23 PM
Bird Bird is one lucky bird!

Now why can't I find free birdies too! Oh wait, I did! :lol

I've said it before but I'm gonna say it again. When I die I want to come back as a parrot and live at Linda's house!

10-03-2005, 08:14 PM
Well, we survived the first 24 hours and I've learned a lot about my new flock member. First off, he LOVES carrots!!! His former owner said that Bird Bird only ate Harrison's Pellets and an inexpensive brand of parrot mix. I changed his food mixture to what I feed my Abbys and gave him a bit of carrot this morning. Told him I loved him and that I'd be back later. When I got home after work, Bird Bird had cleaned up the carrots and there were no pieces visible anywhere in his cage or on the floor. Tonight, I gave my canary a small amount of carrot and Bird Bird went nuts!!! He absolutely had to have some and he gobbled them down like he hadn't eaten in a year! Hey, I can handle this quite well... :lol

I'm also going to have to get him a larger cozy. He doesn't have one but he slept with a toy over his back last night! I thought the toys were too close to his perch and he couldn't sleep where he wanted to without sleeping under one of them, so I moved the toy to the other side of the cage. Well, Bird Bird simply picked the next closest toy and put that over his back. :lol

He's also quite the jabberbeak! No opera yet but he makes a range of sounds and I've got to admit that I'm not understanding all of them but he's got a vocabulary. He knows what a cracker is and he knows how to ask for one!

Yea, I guess I do need this parrot!

10-03-2005, 08:19 PM

Linda looooooves BirdBird :D

I'm glad you are enjoying him so much. I'm sure he is enjoying all the love and attention. Sounds like a match :)