View Full Version : Pet Sitters?

10-02-2005, 08:03 PM
I'm not going on any vacations anytime soon, atleast none that I have planned but this is a good thing to be prepared for.

What should I do for a petsitter?

I have two lovebirds that need to be housed seperatly and will bite anyone besides me... well me also if they're in one of those moods.

Anyways, they're so vicious with other people that my neighbors and friends don't want to watch them for me, and they definably wouldn't take them out to play, which they would need.

I'm also worried about feather plucking and not eating, which they do do if I'm away from them for more than a day. I'm also worried that if they attack the person, the person would hit them or something and I'd have no idea.

I've never used any of those pet sitters that advertise in the papers or bulletine boards b/c I have no idea who they are and if they know anything about animals and what they would do.

I have used a kennel once but they shut them in a back room (I can't say I blame them b/c of their noise) and they wouldn't take them out to play.

Would a veternarian take them out?

Anyways, I guess, what do you guys do and how do I find a good sitter? :grouphug:

OR, if there's anyone in my area from this forum, I know you would be a good sitter and I would love to watch your birds when you're away. I'm in Maryland, USA. If anyone is from MD, email and we'll discuss it.

10-02-2005, 08:35 PM
Your best bet would be your vet's office. In an unfamiliar environment, their behavior would be different than it is when they are home. Strangers who can handle can sometimes do things with birds that those who are familiar cannot. Check with your vet and find out what they have to offer.

10-03-2005, 11:38 AM
I agree and with your birds not accepting neighbors coming in, I'd recommend the. You might call and ask them if the birds would be given outside time and offer to pay extra for that if they have an employee who could be responsible for that. I am lucky and my breeder is going to pet sit my birds for me when I'm gone next week. Otherwise, I'd planned to board them at the vet's and ask for some extra care and outside time.

10-03-2005, 12:37 PM

You might check with your local bird club. I know alot of club members swap out bird sitting, and that might be a good option to have also. Other than that I would suggest that you find someone in your family or friend circle who would be willing to spend a little time with the birds while you are there. They may not take to them handling them, but if they are familiar with them, they would be more likely to accept food and water changes, a cage wipe down, and maybe even some out of cage time. Birds sometimes do better with others when their #1 choice is not around ;)

10-03-2005, 05:04 PM
Wish that I lived closer -- I'm always helping out friends & co-workers with critter & child sitting!

I'd recommend talking to your vet. Maybe they have a technician/assistant who would be willing to help you out instead of boarding. The bird club idea is a wonderful one as well.

Best of luck, regardless.


10-03-2005, 05:14 PM
E, that does it! I'm moving to NJ, right next door to you! :D Gosh, it is so hard to get neighbors to do that kind of thing and especially with birds cause they're a little bird shy and I want my birds to be handled when I'm gone. You know how most non bird people are a little freaked at even touching a bird, :lol. The dog is much easier.....feed her, let her out (actually she has dog doors so she can come and go) and give her a pat on the head. I am fortunate that Rubygem will let my birds stay at her house but it would be awesome to have some one right next door that also loved birdies!

10-03-2005, 09:12 PM
Well, we took seven birds to the vet's for boarding tonight, and took Sammy and Neko to my parents' house. Those two are about all they wanted to handle. We planned on having our neighbor across the street help us out again, but she weirded out on us over something else. :roll:

Anyway, this vet is just expanding into pet boarding, and at first they said their rate was $10/animal/day. :eek: Then I told them how many birds were involved, and they changed the rate to $10/cage/day. Since we are new customers to them, they also did visual exams and took gram's stains from each cage. Kind of costly, but they were due for a checkup anyway. And it's better than having someone come over whom we are not entirely comfortable with at this time ...

10-03-2005, 11:00 PM
You know how most non bird people are a little freaked at even touching a bird.

Janie that is too true. It's hilarious how scared people are of a little tiny bird, even nice friendly ones :rofl: :rofl:

I've had a really hard time dealing with my birds while I'm gone. I've found one person I trust and she is going to be watching my birds this month for five days. She said she would do it for free but I said ABSOLUTELY NOT! I have 21 birds and I want her to come over everyday. That is not a favor that's a part-time job :eek:. I'm still scared because Squeaker needs medicine everyday and he's really hard to catch and he bites :eek:.

Good luck, I hope you find someone good, soon

Buy A Paper Doll
10-04-2005, 06:03 PM
My niece does pet sitting - she gets referrals from her job as a vet and kennel tech. But she won't take care of my birds - says that Milo is the devil in disguise. Milo tried to pick at her eyelashes once and that was the end of that. This girl has no problems manhandling a rottweiler into submission for a bath or a nail clip, but she is terrified of my tiny little birds!

10-04-2005, 11:48 PM
Buy a paper doll, that's too funny. And all too true, most people can deal with big scary dogs but not these tiny little birds.

My vet calls lovebirds the bulldogs of the pet birds.

After what my family knows of my birds, if they even land on one of them (which they LOVE doing, maybe they like to freak people out?) the person starts going "ohmigod! get it off!!" Lol.

And they look so sweet when I'm there but apparently they turn into monsters when I step out the door.

10-05-2005, 06:47 PM
Buy a paper doll, that's too funny. And all too true, most people can deal with big scary dogs but not these tiny little birds.

My vet calls lovebirds the bulldogs of the pet birds.

After what my family knows of my birds, if they even land on one of them (which they LOVE doing, maybe they like to freak people out?) the person starts going "ohmigod! get it off!!" Lol.

And they look so sweet when I'm there but apparently they turn into monsters when I step out the door.

My friend learned real quick not to get between Ditto and me if his cage is open. She was standing between us and he was standing on the fold down door of his cage. He decided he wanted to be with me so he took off, flew right toward her face and made her duck out of the way. :lol He would have flown up over her head but she didn't give him the chance. :rofl:

Do not get between Ditto and his daddy! :cool:

10-05-2005, 09:56 PM
That's right!!! How dare she stand in Ditto's way?! Lol. Those non-bird people just don't know any better. :wink: