View Full Version : I'm Getting a Vita Mix!

11-08-2011, 04:53 PM
I just learned I won a Vita Mix Blender in an essay contest about why I want/need one!:happy: The green smoothies my sister has been making with her Vita Mix have done wonders for my mother...who is still with us, in spite of another bout of pneumonia last month :) So soon Gussie and I will be getting healty green smoothies. If we can get my mom to consume leafy greens by putting them in a smoothie, I have hopes that Gussie will finally decide that green food is not poisonous! She vastly prefers fruit juice to fruit, so maybe this will work. I'll let you know in a couple of weeks. :)

11-08-2011, 10:21 PM
The Vitamixes are pretty nice. I had the 3200. .. I consider them far better than the Champion juicers. .. Ah well, hope it serves you and your Gussie well. ..........:)

11-09-2011, 05:28 PM
Congrats on the win! Couldn't have picked a more deserving person!

I had a Blendtec, but just sold it on ebay (wanted a matching cage for Burt) and would buy the Vitamix if I had the cash again.. I think they are better.

They make soup and ice cream too! Yum