View Full Version : giving pets up for free

Pips mom
11-14-2011, 11:35 AM
I HATE when I see people with an ad on craigslist for a free pet, especially when it's birds! So many people don't have the first clue about birds and people just give them away to whoever. I found an ad.........not even in the pets section, nope it was in the "free" section! for a few parakeets and a lovebird. I asked about the lovebird, it was a male, black masked, a few years old. All birds were given away without cages, so who knows how small of a cage this lovie will end up in........I wanted to take him so bad! I was too late.......birds were probably just given to whoever came along first. I could have given him my new cockatiel Grace's old cage because she's living with Woody now, then found him a good, loving home and know he at least had a decent cage! Ugggh, I hate when I see these ads! >:

11-14-2011, 11:41 AM
I know the feeling. But sometimes they do get good homes. I hate when they mess up a birds species. A lady I know has a bf who said he has quaker babies for sale. The birds are sun conures. I have no clue how they can think breed birds and not know what they are.

11-14-2011, 02:07 PM
i hope he is in a good home. i do agree w/ you though. i don't think people realize free to good homes usually means dog baiting, turning around and selling the dog for money, and some people just can't afford an animal yet want one and then they can't take care of it. my boss's gf's ex dropped off two young puppies that still needed their mom at her house. turns out he gets free animals off cl and lets them run around loose and untaken care of. the mom dog got hit by a car and died so he dumped off the pups. it was just a sad situation because he shouldn't have had animals anyway. even w/ paid pets its' worrisome, but free makes it worse. besides, cl doesn't allow "free" but people do so anyway.

11-14-2011, 05:16 PM
Funny... just today I was thinking (as Burt's quarantine cage is now free.... as he is PBFD and disease free! and 45+ days out) that I should take in these poor craigslist pets that are free and in those nasty, dirty little tiny cages. Then.... I can find good homes :-)

Funny all us Mass people posted here.... there is ALOT of these cases up here