View Full Version : introduction of Lovies to a Meyer's Parrot?

11-17-2011, 07:03 AM
Hi all.... Burt is now out of quarantine and passed all his bloodtests.... He has been calling from upstairs to them for 6 weeks now, and some mornings I bring Burt into the same room as them, and Jr seems very interested.... Yesterday I held him up near their cage (in retrospect, probably not the best idea because Eddie looks territorial).... See video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAzxAJz-jU8&feature=youtube_gdata_player

I believe Burt to be male, as are the two lovies.... What is the best way to try seeing if they could play together? Seperate the lovies and go one at a time?

From the video, does Burt look interested, scared, or aggressive? I see an elongated neck and flashing eyes...

Please Help me make this successful if possible.