View Full Version : Feather Plucking???

11-19-2011, 07:12 PM
check the nest box today it was terrible the feather of the two chicks at the back is almost gone, do hen do the feather plucking on the chicks.. Then what i did i have a double cage and i put the hen on the other side so the distance between them is just a divider.. Do the cock will still to continue feed the chicks even i put the hen on the other side

11-19-2011, 07:34 PM
What I can tell you, is that parent lovebirds will pluck the feathers off the back of their newborns. .. Most the time this is normal, however, should it appear excessive with bleeding, then you may need to take into consideration other alternatives. .. Usually, one or the other will take over feeding. .. How serious is the plucking, and who's doing it? .. If its not that serious, then it might be better to leave well enough alone. .. Please let us know what you think is going on.

11-19-2011, 10:30 PM
the babies are almost 6 weeks.. i think the hen is the one plucking.. i already put the divider and the cock do still feed the chicks.. I'll put the chicks in other cage when they are fully weaned

11-20-2011, 08:38 AM
Yes. As you are seeing, dad will feed the babies should mom not be there. He takes over at age 6 weeks anyway so he's doing it just a bit early. It's his job to wean them.