View Full Version : How Do I Interact with Her?

11-24-2011, 04:22 PM
I got a pallid/Aust. cinnamon lady three days ago and I need some advice from some expert lovebird keepers. :) She is my first bird of any kind, although I've been familiar with them as I have a few close friends with who keep various parrot species and some of my family. I've just never had one personally.

She's four months old and her wings are clipped, just for basic info. She was born to a Utah breeder and is handfed and was handled daily before I purchased her.

So far I've gotten her comfortable with my hand being still in her cage, my voice, having her door open (although she still hasn't even tried to come out). She however chirps loudly and runs from my hand when I move it around anywhere even slightly close to her, which I had to do earlier because she had fallen (twice!) from this one perch due to her antics, and I decided I wanted to move it to a more safe location because I was worried, haha.

Anyway, the breeder said she knew step up and was used to humans, so I don't need to progress that far. However, I'm dying to hold her, and my family is all really impatient to get to know her too. Her cage is kept in my bedroom, which is in the back of the house and pretty quiet.

I would love to know any tricks to getting her to be more friendly with me, and how long I might expect until she would be comfortable with me touching her or having her step up?

By the way, just because I want to show off this beautiful girl, I snapped some pictures of her. :blush: Her name's Elysium.

http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/313166_10150567400773662_804123661_11628970_492596 200_n.jpg

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/387854_10150567399963662_804123661_11628965_120574 3356_n.jpg

Thanks for any input available!

11-25-2011, 04:00 AM
I would just grab her and put her to perch on my finger and see if she will sit there calmly or try to fly away or otherwise jump off your finger. If she was handfed and handled daily as claimed, she will not bite your hand. Try having pieces of her favorite veggies or maybe a millet in your other hand too. You can try to do some clicker training with her too.



11-25-2011, 07:00 AM
Looks older than 4 months to me?

Time and patience, maybe keeping her in the busy part of the house would help ? :@)