View Full Version : Help with I.D etc

11-25-2011, 08:01 AM
OK so I am new to lovebirds but not Birds ............ I have 5 rescue Peach faced 1 is missing a leg no scar or stump just no leg !! had them a month and I have 2 peach faced ? from a young girl last night who gave them to me and didnt want them despite spending a fortune on big cage etc :confused:

Questions (with pics to follow)

1. are they all peach faced lovebirds
2. Mutations I know there is a lutino (yellow) LOL
3. can you tell the age at all the 2 latest are supposed to be babies
4. I know sexing is difficult but can you sometimes guess on shape colour etc
5. How do I intergrate the new babies in to the flock
6. If the new babies are not peach faced then what and will they be able to live with my 5 Peach faced

Please help with anything you can tell me I would really be very greatful x

Banana - lutino ? Yes.
Apple - Normal green ? Yes.
Kiwi - Normal Green ? Yes.
Pear - ?? Aqua
Plum - ?? one leg AquaTurquoise
The new Babies The lighter baby is a Pallid, female if mom didn't show the color. The other baby is blue series but can't tell mutation until the adult feathering begins to come in. Could be Aqua, AquaTurquoise or Turquoise.

11-25-2011, 11:29 AM
Ok, so I'm not as knowledgeable as some of the other people in the community, but here is my two cents!

They all seem to be peachfaced lovebirds. However, a couple of them look like they have black on their cheeks, which means they could be hybrids. Meaning they are a cross between peachface and masked most likely. Those will be sterile if this is true.

The green ones with the orange faces our definitely normal green mutations.

As for the two babies, the one on the left I'm not quite sure of the age, but the one with black on it's beak is still young. I want to say it takes 3 months to lose the black on their beak, but I'm not entirely sure. I'm sure someone will confirm or deny this.

I'm worried the bird called Pear may have a overgrown beak. It's not too bad, but you may want to provide them with something hard to chew on. Also, overgrown beaks can be a sign of liver problems, so maybe you should consider taking him to the vet.

Lastly, these birds cannot be visually sexed. Sometimes, they can be behavior sexed, but it's not particularly accurate. The only way to know the sex of the lovebirds is to have them tested.

11-25-2011, 12:40 PM
OK so I am new to lovebirds but not Birds ............ I have 5 rescue Peach faced 1 is missing a leg no scar or stump just no leg !! had them a month and I have 2 peach faced ? from a young girl last night who gave them to me and didnt want them despite spending a fortune on big cage etc :confused:

Questions (with pics to follow)

1. are they all peach faced lovebirds
2. Mutations I know there is a lutino (yellow) LOL
3. can you tell the age at all the 2 latest are supposed to be babies
4. I know sexing is difficult but can you sometimes guess on shape colour etc
5. How do I intergrate the new babies in to the flock
6. If the new babies are not peach faced then what and will they be able to live with my 5 Peach faced

Please help with anything you can tell me I would really be very greatful x

Banana - lutino ? Yes.
Apple - Normal green ? Yes.
Kiwi - Normal Green ? Yes.
Pear - ?? Aqua
Plum - ?? one leg AquaTurquoise
The new Babies The lighter baby is a Pallid, female if mom didn't show the color. The other baby is blue series but can't tell mutation until the adult feathering begins to come in. Could be Aqua, AquaTurquoise or Turquoise.

Thank you on the other forum there was a breeder earlier said that the first 3 are right but plum was dutch blue and pear a seagreen ? and the young ones were a WF american cinnimon violet and the other a seagreen ? I am so lost LOL thank you for you in put

11-25-2011, 12:44 PM
Ok, so I'm not as knowledgeable as some of the other people in the community, but here is my two cents!

They all seem to be peachfaced lovebirds. However, a couple of them look like they have black on their cheeks, which means they could be hybrids. Meaning they are a cross between peachface and masked most likely. Those will be sterile if this is true.

The green ones with the orange faces our definitely normal green mutations.

As for the two babies, the one on the left I'm not quite sure of the age, but the one with black on it's beak is still young. I want to say it takes 3 months to lose the black on their beak, but I'm not entirely sure. I'm sure someone will confirm or deny this.

I'm worried the bird called Pear may have a overgrown beak. It's not too bad, but you may want to provide them with something hard to chew on. Also, overgrown beaks can be a sign of liver problems, so maybe you should consider taking him to the vet.

Lastly, these birds cannot be visually sexed. Sometimes, they can be behavior sexed, but it's not particularly accurate. The only way to know the sex of the lovebirds is to have them tested.

Thank you for your help were they lived before they had only perches in the aviary but since I have had them they have different types of perches, wooden toys, cuttle fish, iodine blocks and millet I had noticed pears is perticularly long will keep and eye and trim if needs be thank you....... was waiting for vet checks untill they had settled its been about 3and half weeks now

11-25-2011, 12:46 PM
Can anyone tell me if I can intergrate the 2 new young ones in with the others I have read so many conflicting things like the will kill each other and never be kept in groups were others say the do just fine with their own kind ??

11-25-2011, 01:40 PM
Can anyone tell me if I can intergrate the 2 new young ones in with the others I have read so many conflicting things like the will kill each other and never be kept in groups were others say the do just fine with their own kind ??
The youngsters have to be kept separate from the others. The other group are all adult birds and the babies are, well, babies. Adults, especially hens, can be aggressive. If any bird in the adult group doesn't like the young "intruders," they will pick on that bird and eventually kill it. Usually once a group has been set up in a flight cage/multi bird residence cage, adding new members is not an option. You can remove but adding is much harder, if not impossible.

The baby that I called Pallid is not an American Cinnamon. If the coloring I see on my computer monitor is true color, the feathering is too yellow. American Cinnamon is a more mint green and the flight feathers would be tan. Pallids don't have tan flights because they are not true cinnamons.

From the photos of Pear and Plum, it's actually hard to tell mutation. I will explain the difference between Aqua (Dutch Blue) and AquaTurquoise (Seagreen) and you may be able to tell for yourself, as you see the live bird rather than just a picture.

Aqua Peachies have apricot colored brows and the bib is a lighter shade of that same apricot coloring. The beak coloring is solid horn colored with an edged black tip. AquaTurquoise (Seagreen) have darker apricot colored brows and creamy white bibs. The beak is two-toned color, starting with a pinkish horn color right under the nostrils and fading to horn colored about halfway down the beak.

11-25-2011, 02:04 PM
The youngsters have to be kept separate from the others. The other group are all adult birds and the babies are, well, babies. Adults, especially hens, can be aggressive. If any bird in the adult group doesn't like the young "intruders," they will pick on that bird and eventually kill it. Usually once a group has been set up in a flight cage/multi bird residence cage, adding new members is not an option. You can remove but adding is much harder, if not impossible.

The baby that I called Pallid is not an American Cinnamon. If the coloring I see on my computer monitor is true color, the feathering is too yellow. American Cinnamon is a more mint green and the flight feathers would be tan. Pallids don't have tan flights because they are not true cinnamons.

From the photos of Pear and Plum, it's actually hard to tell mutation. I will explain the difference between Aqua (Dutch Blue) and AquaTurquoise (Seagreen) and you may be able to tell for yourself, as you see the live bird rather than just a picture.

Aqua Peachies have apricot colored brows and the bib is a lighter shade of that same apricot coloring. The beak coloring is solid horn colored with an edged black tip. AquaTurquoise (Seagreen) have darker apricot colored brows and creamy white bibs. The beak is two-toned color, starting with a pinkish horn color right under the nostrils and fading to horn colored about halfway down the beak.

Ok the 2 birds with the apricot faces both have identical beaks and are virtually identical to each other so they are dutch blues aka aquas ?

Thank you for your patients

Now the babies are the only ones that need sorting here are more pics !

with flash and colours look a bit bright

No Flash

11-25-2011, 03:28 PM
Ok the 2 birds with the apricot faces both have identical beaks and are virtually identical to each other so they are dutch blues aka aquas ?

The mutation of the blue baby still can't be determined, at least from what I can see, until that first molt is at least partly done. As for the other baby, my opinion has not changed. The mutation is Pallid. Flights are not tan. The flight feathers are light colored so that one could be a Pallidino, which would make that 1 a male. Cinnamon? No way.

11-25-2011, 03:36 PM
All peachfaced, no hybrids.


Hard to tell with the young. The one is parblue, whether aqua, turquoise or AquaTurquoise I don't know, hard to tell when they are so young. The other one looks pallid to me.