View Full Version : Transferring a Lovie in cold weather...

12-05-2011, 11:28 PM
I am just curious as far as suggestions for taking my lovie out in cold weather. I just got Calypso last Wednesday and will be setting up a vet appt for her next week. I am a little nervous about taking her outside though. I am in Michigan and it is getting very cold lately. When I brought her home, the breeder put her in a paper bag and said it was warm enough for her. I was still nervous the whole way home and had the heat nice and toasty in the car. So, how do you guys transfer your fids in cold weather? Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

12-06-2011, 03:45 AM
Most people have small travel cages. Warm the car up before leaving. Then cover the travel cage with a blanket for the walk to the car. Make sure to buckle the cage in securly as possible in the car. If possible do the same when leave vets office. Hope I helped.:)

12-06-2011, 04:52 AM
Thank you! That is what I was thinking but wanted to be sure that it would keep her sufficiently warm in the transfer outside. It just gets so bitter cold here!! Good thing my heat is included in my rent!! ha ha! :)

12-06-2011, 10:00 AM
When I had to take Ditto to the vet last December (he got sick) it was 19 degrees and snowing. :omg: I've got a small carrier (it's not much bigger than a shoe box) so I just made sure the car was nice and warm, wrapped my jacket around the carrier and took him to the car. He stayed nice and warm. I, on the other hand, nearly froze to death.:cold

12-06-2011, 10:33 PM
ha ha!! Thanks for the response Dave. As long as Calypso is warm and safe it's all good. I am ok if I freeze, lol. :rotfl

12-07-2011, 06:19 PM
i thought thats what cleavage was for :rotfl

12-08-2011, 12:20 PM
i thought thats what cleavage was for :rotfl


We warm up the car first, take the cage out (with no bird) then my husband sticks noodlehead under his jacket (and holds on for dear life) and runs to the car where I'm waiting to scoop her up and put her in her cage. It's worked for us quite well. A bit of coordination but obviously it's worth it.

I think the important thing is to ensure the vehicle is warm. Not just run for the few minutes but really warm so that the seats and surrounding area have warmed up also.

I'll try the cleavage thing next time but I'm concerned that Noodle will take an interest in things that she shouldn't be interested in ;)


Pips mom
12-08-2011, 01:03 PM
When I had to take Ditto to the vet last December (he got sick) it was 19 degrees and snowing. :omg: I've got a small carrier (it's not much bigger than a shoe box) so I just made sure the car was nice and warm, wrapped my jacket around the carrier and took him to the car. He stayed nice and warm. I, on the other hand, nearly froze to death.:cold

Wow, what a coincidence.........I had to take Pip to the vet too in December in the middle of a snowstorm.......might have been a bit warmer than 19 degrees though! can't remember! I just warmed up the car......parked as close to the door as possible, cover the travel cage with a nice warm blanket.

12-11-2011, 11:19 PM
i thought thats what cleavage was for :rotfl

Ha ha ha!!!! That would keep her warm for sure!!!! :rotfl