View Full Version : A couple of questions.

12-07-2011, 06:07 AM
I have had Calypso for one week today and everything is going well. She must be very comfortable with me now because yesterday, all of a sudden, she was preening my hair and nibbling my neck and ear. She was also headbutting and nibbling along my arm. All the while she makes soft little peeps, reminds me of a cricket. My question is, could the nibbling turn to biting? It didn't hurt at all, just tickled and when it tickled too much I would move my shoulder and kind of knock her off balance. She would stop, look at me like "what was that for?" Then go back to nibbling. I have never had a bird who tried to preen me so much and am not sure if this is normal or if I should encourage this. Oh and gets so jealous when I kiss my dog!! If I make the kissy sound when I am kissing my dogs head and she is on my shoulder, all of a sudden she is running to get between us...I have been making the kissy sound towards her and when I do she will touch her beak to my chin or lip. Is she jealous of the dog or does she think the kissy sound is a cue just for her? I know lovebirds are very smart but wow, she picked up the kissy thing so quick. Sorry this is so long, but I just want to make sure I get all the information I can.

One more question, and this doesn't have to do with behavior or taming but I'm not really sure where to post it. Calypso has several darker spots of color on her forehead, is it possible that after she molts that her face will be darker? She is the right age and should be close to her first molt. Here is the best pic I could get of her forehead. I apologize, the only camera I have right now is on my phone.


Thanks in advance for any responses!! :D

12-07-2011, 07:40 AM
Her head will get much brighter/deeper when she moults :)

Sounds to me like she is preening you, so it shouldn't lead to biting, unless you upset her ofcourse LOL.

12-11-2011, 11:15 PM
Thanks so much for your response!! Oh yay! I can't wait for it to fully grow in darker then. Right now it looks like I dotted her with a marker, lol. :rotfl She has taken to preening me quite a bit, and look out if I have my glasses on...Calypso thinks they are there for her entertainment. Ha ha!!