View Full Version : Need noise reduction advice

12-10-2011, 10:54 AM
Okay, so I have 4 lovebirds in my living room. A pair and then Pixel and Dreki. So these 4 birds are in 3 different cages. The noise is often unbearable in here, they rile each other up and sometimes you can't even talk in here because of them. I have no spear room - just the living room and the bedroom.
Dreki - the peachie is the loudest and she gets riled up pretty easily by the others. Pixel is the one that starts it most of the time. The Draculas (the pair) pretty much just minds their own business but do take part, their yells are just not as loud or frequent as the others. So one bird starts and the rest goes nuts - so everyone goes nuts.

Any ideas as what I can do to shut them up?

I have nothing against the normal sounds they make but this crazy *** attention yelling it nuts!

I've also noticed that Pixel does nothing but hump and eat these days. He hasn't even explored all of his cage after I set it up again 2 months ago. Lupron shots for him are being considered here but my vet is on maternity leave until January.

12-10-2011, 11:56 AM
As for "shutting them up" I'm not sure if that's possible. Birds are sociable and I doubt there is anything that can be done to quiet them down. The only suggest I could make is perhaps leave the couple in the living room, and put the other two in the bedroom. Maybe this could help. (of course then you have to spend a considerable time in the bedroom to socialize with this group) How often do you let them out to explore? Maybe this might help too.

As for the humping thing, reduce the hours of light they get, and this might lower their hormone level. More light equals breeding season. Or you can take whatever he is humping out.

12-10-2011, 12:15 PM
As for "shutting them up" I'm not sure if that's possible. Birds are sociable and I doubt there is anything that can be done to quiet them down. The only suggest I could make is perhaps leave the couple in the living room, and put the other two in the bedroom. Maybe this could help. (of course then you have to spend a considerable time in the bedroom to socialize with this group) How often do you let them out to explore? Maybe this might help too.

As for the humping thing, reduce the hours of light they get, and this might lower their hormone level. More light equals breeding season. Or you can take whatever he is humping out.

Yeah, about the humping. We've tried everything and it doesn't work. The Lupron shots are last resort, I've been dealing with him about this for almost 3 years.

I don't really know what I'm asking about the noise. I know there will always be noise, don't get me wrong! And they can talk a squawk all they like but they're yelling on the top of their little lungs. I moved the pairs cage to the corner and that seems to have slowed them down but the other two are still going at it. Might have to try moving the cages around and see if that changes anything

12-10-2011, 12:39 PM
I'm laughing:) because there are some moments that I try the same your sensation;
The sound can be as loud as a battleground and in these moments I would like to escape from my home; :happy:
I deem more and more birds you have and the sound become louder and louder.
Thus you don't have a lot of chance; the only thing that you may do is to build an isolated acustic room where you may go when the sound will become too much loud.:)
I'm kidding but I believe the only thing is to have patience; their sounds indicate that they are happy and healthy..so it has to be your maximum satisfaction.:)

12-10-2011, 01:21 PM
I'm kidding but I believe the only thing is to have patience; their sounds indicate that they are happy and healthy..so it has to be your maximum satisfaction.:)



Not the "I'm a happy little bird and I like playing with my toys and eating my foods and chatting to my birdiefriends and my hoomanfriends" like it used to be! They even yell when flying around! Seriously!

Oh, and since it's getting dark super early now they demand bedtime around 5. When I finally give in around 6 (sometimes but usually it's 8 o'clock) they don't even go to sleep. Pixel and Dreki have sleepcages in our bedroom and want to go there when darkness falls. Then I hear them in there chatting to each other and calling the others to the living room. It's ridiculous really!

12-10-2011, 02:59 PM
Ahaahahaha; Your post is very funny; I understand you! believe me, however there is not solution to solve this problem unless you really build an isolated and silent room..
I have a flock that it consists of 30 birds and I know the noise that they are able to produce.
This is the only negative side of the coin;the other side of the coin provides joy and happyness; I'm sure that you are content to know that your birds are filling of love your days;
Each coin has its downside..
The loud noise is the bad side of the coin :).

12-10-2011, 05:56 PM
I too have lived your dream..... I find some days are great and others..... Hmmm not so great :-)